SAFETY LIMERICK CONTEST NUMBER I. (Entry Deadline Midnight February 15,1954.) 1. Total entries in the contest . -2)3 2. Forwarded to National Safety Council-~107 3. Each month, 10 names will be drawn from entries chosen to be forwarded to the Nation- al Safety Council. Each person men name is drawn receives $1.00 4. All entries sent to theCouncil are there- by entered in the National contest in which there are 33 prizes monthly. (Top prize $100.00). : 5. The only entries eliminated here are those which fail to meet contest standards as laid down by the National Safety Council. LOCAL WINNERS (listed in order drawn) 1. Rossland Savoy 2. Hector Guane 3. Don Ollen-Bittle 4. George McKay 5. Ronald Wilson 6, William Megraw . 7, Frank Ross 8. Louis White 9, Mrs. S. Nelsom 10. Mrs. S. Boyd WINNERS MAY PICK UP THEIR PRIZE AT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE 0-0~0 TOWNSITE ACCIDENT HAZARD!% The LongLac mill Accident Prevention Committee have discussed a serious Townsite hazard, and have asked all teachers in the schools to point out the hazard to the child- ren. : ; The hazard is as follows: "It is very dangerous to play around the Snow Blower when it is doing a job. It may be fun to be sprayed with snow from the spout but often rocks are picked up by the blower, These rocks are discharged through the spout with the snow and could cause a bad injury, even a fatality. When snow is blowing from. the spout it is diffi- cult for the: operator to see children," The A.P.C. appeal also te the parents to impress upon their children the serious~ ness of this hazard so that a serious in- jury may thus be prevented. : 0-0-0 HOE DOWN CLUB After a months rest from Square Dancing everyone must be rarin! to go so let's have a bang-up crowd this Saturday night, Feb. (Cont. on next col.) Pagp-t «| HOR Down CLUB: pte ) Sk 27th, at the High School a Dancing will: 'he from 8 2:30 until 11:00 Den Anderson..will be on hand)to pro- weer yong. 'bring a friendl a pM. vide the MUBAC » e-0-0 CURLING Due to the soft ice 'last weekend there were two games that could not be played, The outcome of these games effect the stan' ing in divisions "A", "B"; and "C", These games will be played off by Friday night and a new schedule will be made up start- ing Monday night, March lst... Skips will be notified if they are drawn on March 1s* 2nd, and 3rd and the balance of the draw will appear in next weeks issue of the Terrace Bay News, February 26th, Fri. #1 Ice 7:00 p.m. Craig vs Sinkins be. : #2 Ice 7:00 p.m. Ladies Lt #1 "9:00 p.m. Allen vs. McLeod-} i: #2 " 9:00 p.m. Duquette vs. Welli:. Sat = Ice 1 pom. L. Crockford vs Deel " dl pam. Ae Crockford vs. Dodge A " 3 pms Jessop vs. Hale #2 " 7 p.m. Latour vs Paget #2 " 7 p.m. Anderson vs Shrier #1 " 9 p.m. Farrow vs Haughn #2 " 9 p sm, Craig vs Ostling sp ". 9 pms. Ross vs Hamilton 2 t 9 p.m. Baillie vs Garvin LADIES CURLING oh Hudson's Bay eee Friday, February 26th, 7:00 p.m. Jessop vs Shrier Ice 2 Seagrams Trophy Oa rams 28 1 p.m. Shrier vs Sinkins Ice * " 3 p.m. Romaniuk vs Anderson Ic " it " 3 pem. Loser of Simmers & Lat« ee! MBs: Ost las Ice " " "7 pem. Winner of Simmers & L: vs Jessop Ice u " "7 p.m, Hamilton vs Haughn Ic. o-0-0. COMMON SENSE _ PREVENTS ACCIDENTS *-0-0