CONTINUAL WAR AGAINST FIRE Let us, therefore, not be negative in the face of a great danger - let us not allow ourselves to think that fire is an a enemy which must always be at our door, and that all we can do is to defend ourselves against it.when it comes, Lets be positive There must be a constant state of warfare against fire, It is not just a case of defence ~ our answer must be attack, attack, attack, Therefore, may I say this to you- et us joint together in a crusade bring- ing comfort to the millions and harm to none. let us fight our known enemy fire. Geo. Maitland Fire Chief 0-0-0 S20RK CLUB Congratulations this week go to Mr. and Mrs, Almer Persson on the birth of a daugh- ter on February 14th, and Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Laurenson on the birth of a daughter on February 15th, o~0-0 Page 3 LICENSE DEADLINE IS NOW FEBRUARY ogth Lata Highways' ; Minister George H, Douett announces that an extension of time for purchasing 1954 motor vehicle licences sand driver's parciuite:has been made to 'February 28th, The extension is given, hr, Doucett said, because of bad weather con- - ditions and accompanying slowness of motorists to purchase the permits during January. It is estimated wiity 350,000 of the Provinee's 1,400,000 car and truck owners have secured the new plates, and only 450,000 of the 1,650,000 drivers have re- newed their licences. O~- OO ST, VALENTINE'S DANCE A SUCCESS On Friday February 12th, 1954 over 200 people attended and enjoyed 'the Hockey Association's St. Valentine Dance. Music was supplied by Joe Adame and his band, Tables wére available and they were decor- ated for the occasion,' From all reports a good time was had by all.. ~ The draw wes mde for the Sunbeam Mixmaster and Ralph Cole wes the lucky | winner. The Hockey Association would like to thank everyone who purchased tickets and thus help to finance all hockey in Terrace Bay. o-0--0 AROUND THE TOWN Al Stevens is spending the week in Toronto. Hilda Brophy is reportedly recovering comfortably in the Port Arthur General Hospital following her operation last Satur day e Catharine McCallum of Port Arthur arrived Monday to visit with her sister Betty Ollen~Bittle and family for a few days. The next meeting of the Dim Bulbs will be held at the home.of Eleanor Ruz yski, 133 Poplar Crescent on Tuesday, February 23rd. Mrs, Sarah Anne Theriault from Grand- Anse N.B. is visiting her son and daughtex in law Mr. and Mrs, Alphonse Theriault, She will be here "wo weeks, returning to Sudbury where she is spending the winter with her daughter Mrs. Armand LeBlanc. 0-0-0