RECIPE OF THE WEEK A HEARTY QISH FOR A WINTER DAY BEEF STEW 2 lbs. beef stew meat 1s tsps. salt % tsp. pepper Flour for dwedging Lard fer browning 2 onions chopped 2 cups tomato puree (or canned tomatoes) 2 cups boiling water 2 bay leaves 1 onion, minced A stalks wdery (cut in l-in, pieobs, ) 1 green pepper, diced 3 carrots sliced 4 potatoes quartered Have meat cut into small cubes, Roll in flour, seasoned with salt and pepper; brown in a little hot lard. Brow chopped onions in lard, Mix tomato puree with boil- ing water, heat and pour over meat and onions Add bay leaves; simmer 1 hour. Add remaning ingredients, Simmor until all ingredients are done - about one hour, Liquid may be thickened with flour for gravy. Serves 6 to'8, o~0-~0 AROUND THE TOWN ' The Silver Birch. Chapter 0.2, S. had a well attended meeting on Monday, February Sth. Convenors af the various cominittees gave their reports. It was noted that Bro- ther James Dunean is being moved to the General Hospital in Port Arthur and members were urged to visit him when in the City. Mrs, H, Goodfellow presented a cheque to the Benevolent Committee which she- had received as payment for some special services undertaken by her. <A new member, Miss Clare Gorr of Schreiber was welcomed into the Chapter, also Mrs, F. Richardson who has recently taken up residence in Schreiber, Business was conducted by the WM, Mrs, E, Rowlandson, (cont. on next col.) up residence in Terrace Bay. ; Page 4 AROUND THE TOWN (cont, ) Refreshments were served by a committee composed of Mrs. Bryson Sr., Mrs, Laine, Mrs, F, Whitton, Mrs, Hepburn and Mrs, Bryson Jr, Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Porter returned Thursday, February 4th from a month's holidays in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, On their return trip, Mr. and Mrs. Porter visited in Het Springs, Arkansas and Joplin, Missouri. Muriel and George Flater with daughter Christine returned on February 3rd to take For the past six menths George had been working on Staff Engineering in Neengh, Wisconsin, while living in nearby Appleton. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Brown and family of Port Arthur were guests of their daughter and son-in-haw, Virginia and Gary Galvin over the past weekend, Hilda and Alex Valiquette with Syl and Bill Henderson visited at the Lakehead last weekend, en 0-0-0 FIGURE SKATING (Cont. ) the ground up. . A small demonstration by our local skaters for parents and. friends is planned in the near future, so here again, all Skaters are requested to be in attendance at all sessions for practice purposes. This is very important, and would be appreciated very much by Mrs, Spiess, our professional, EE YOU SUNDAY AT THE SGHREIBER ARENA HOURS -~ 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m, 0-0-0 STORK CLUB Congratulations this week go to Mr, and Mrs. R. Gerlach on the birth of a son on February 6th. and, Mr. and Mrs, Nap Bouchie on the birth of a son on February 9th. 0-0-0 HOE DOWN CLUB Because of the Valentine Dance on Friday, February 12th, the Hoedown Club for the 13th will be cancelled until our next regular night February 27th, We understand that pep will be lack- ing so save up all your ambition and let'. have a full attendance for the next Hoe Down Club. 0-0-0