REVISED BUS ROUTE EFFECTIVE MONDAY JAN. 18th The section of.-the.-townsite -north 'of Highway #17 no change, Bus leaves Hudson at Selkirk at regular times. The bus route south of Highway #17 will . be as follows from Highway #17 along Xenogami Road stopping at the corner of Kenogami and MadDonald, continuing along Kenogami Road stopping in front of House #205 from Kenogamti Road along Cartier Road to Lakeview Drive. Along Lakeview Drive stopping in front of House #552 from Lakeview Drive to Superior Ave, along Superior to Fort Garry Road stopping in front of House #434 along Fort Garry Road To Elizabeth Ave, along Elizabeth making the stops as now marked from Elizabeth to Lakeview Drive to Highway 17 to Hotel Terrace to the Mill. 0-0-0 COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS by Mrs. G. Maitland The eighth Annual Congretional meeting of the Community Church was held on Tuesday evening January 12th at &: 15 Dem. in the Church basement, Mr, M.O,.Nelson acted as : obleman and very favourable reports were received from our Minister, all board members and represent- atives of the several organizations, Approximately 730 persons come under our jurisdiction and we are fortunate in having Rev. Lavender in charge with his wide experience and kindly guidance, The finances of the church are ina healthy conditicn and we are continually adding to our Church equipment and improving our grounds, We have an excellens choir with Mr, B. Lohr as leader and Mrs. S. Hodg- kiss as organist, a flourishing Sunday School under Mr. R. Wills, a very active Ladies Auxiliary and a promising C.G.1I.T. group. . It was necessary to elect four new members to the Church Board and the following were the successful candidates, Mrs, H. Goodfellow, Mr, H. Byers, Mr. L.Crandlemire and Mr, R. Harris. Mr, Nelson thanked each and every one for their whole - hearted co-operation in the year just ended, After the conclusion of business a pleasant hour was spent and refreshmonts were served by the Ladies Auxiliary. 0-0-0 SAFETY NOTES Knowing last weex's Safety Slogan (cont. on next col, ) Page 8 SAFETY NOTES (cont,) was worth $10. 00 to Doris McKay of the Hospital Staff, Louis. Duquette of the Structural Bept. missed this weeks Safety Slogan, Next week its worth $10.00. SAFETY PAYS re are the names of the winners of the 10 Parker "21" pen and pencil sets. The draw covered the three month period ending December 318t. John Sechesky Delmas Dugas Garnet Valiquette Harold Newell Olyve Harrison Lauri Niiranen Geo Flater The pen and pencil sets, now on dis- play in the Safety Display window may be picked up at the Personnel Office on and after January 20th by the winners, During 1954 there will be monthly draws for merchandise having a retail value of at least $100.00. Eligible each month will be employees of all units which work during the month without a lost---time injury. The draw for January will be for 2 Westinghouse Clock Radios, John Zigman Harry Prescott Les Buffett 0-0-0 TO All, MEMBERS OF THE TERRACE BAY FISH AND GAME CLUB There will be a notice in the next issue of the Terrace Bay News, giving the time and place of the annual meeting. Will all the members that are interested in keeping this club going and who will take an active part in the coming year's events please attend, Several people have asked about a Fish Derby for 1954. This will be up to the new Executive, so lets have a good turn out at this meeting and get the events for the year set up. D. Ollen-Bittle Pres, 0-0-0 SHOE REPATR SHOP HOURS Shoe Repair shop will be open in the mornings from 8-12 noon from January 13th to January 22nd, o-0-0