LADIES! LEAGUE (cont.) E. Stevens - 223 D. Thompson - 208 J. Hall = 201 : Points won in the ib Heeraauk were: V. Hanna's team - 6 1, Marsh's team = 5 A. Checkryn's team - 54 J. Hall's eam ne ca HOE DOWN CLUB Plan to attend a meeting of the Hoe- Down Club to get us underway for another season of dancing and fun on Monday even- ing, October 19th, at 7:45 p.m. in the High School auditorium, This is not going to be all meeting, though. .We plan to dispense with the business part of it in fairly short order and then have a few "Squares" so wear your dancing slippers. Let's make our Club larger than ever this year. We hope to see all our last year's members as well as some new ones..-" Let's see some of those enthusiastic dances from last year's Festival attend this season, Remenber, Monday evening starting at 7:45 p.m.. See you there! 0-0-0 CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our friends in Terrace.for the very generous cheques we received also for the many letters, cards, parcels and well wishes which we deeply appreciate. DiMcerel.y. Fred and Elva McMillan euler WASHORN'S PHARMACY New Store Hours Beginning October 19th, 1953, Sundays and Holidays -- 10 a.m. until 12 noon 7 Pamey Unb Le Op em, Monday thru Saturday - 9 asm. until - Please note that the only change in hours is the closing time on weekdays, at 8:30 pm. 0-0-0 FOR SALE Three interior panel doors ghd one clothes cupboard door in perfect condition Bargain. Phone 349 or 81 Hudson Drive, Page 6 SAVTNGS BONDS ON SILER MONDAY (cont. ) Admin, Office -- General -- Ken Weppler Townsite - Don Laporte Technical - Harvey McTanna Hotel - Ina Hopper Hospital - Mae Duquette - Remember the 8th Series Bonds are the best ay in years. Interest at the rate of 32% per annum. This increased rate of igeiden makes it advantageous to convert former i@sues of Canada Savings Bonds into the new 8th Series. The chart on the back page shows the redemption price in November ef the previous Series 1 to 7. If anyone is interested in converting previous bonds contact your. canvasser or the Personnel Office. So Monday,how about getting on the Bend Wagon, It's a fact. "WHEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS - CANADA SAVINGS BONDS GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO SAY YES." 0-0-0 BASKETBALL TONIGHT (cont. ) enough members, we can arrange some sort of a small heuse league, SPECIAL NCTE: Due to the Auditorium being reserved for a dress rehearsal of "Here Comes Charlie" 'there will be no basketball played on Thursday, October 22nd. Activities will resume as normal on Thursday, October 29th. 0-0-0 C. W. L. HOLD SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR (cont.) Mrs. E, Salesse, the Fish Pond; Mrs. W. Vezina, the Baby table; Mrs. Art LeBlanc the Aprons; Mrs. Jim Corrigan, the Knitted goods; Rosalind Savoy the cake narrie, Mrs, John Falzetta took care of the Tickets on the Draw. Bob Marcotte won the French Frier; Mrs, Peter Romaniuk the Pop-up Toaster; Mrs. Faul Boudreau the Steam' Iron; Mrs. W. Tait the Electric Razor, Other Draws were a Bedspread, won by ®. Grishaber; the Bassinette, won by Mrs. Tom La. Tour;. the Sweater Set, by Terry Cavanaugh; the Cake, by Tim McInnis. 0-0-0 FOUND 1 Pair of ladies white gloves. Owner may claim them by applying to the LiGameOs Store,Terrace Bay.