CCMMUNTIY CHURCH Sunday, October llth, 1 THANKSCIVING SUNDAY 9: "9:30 a.m - Senior Sunday School ° 11:00 a.m. - Jtnior Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship "Giving Thanks to G6d" 7:30 p.m. - Evening Service "The Grace of Gratitude! 8:30 p.m, . - The Church Board will meet at the home of Mrs and Mrs, H. Lohr, 212 Kenogami Road. Briday ,..Octoker,.9th..,) 7200 Pe m. Choir Practice. 0-0-0 Hane COMnS CHARLI" - FRIDAY OCTOBER 23RD. The Community Church Ladies! Auxiliary is sponsoring a rollicking 3 act comedy "Here Comes Charlie!" (no connection with 'Charlie's Aunt") on Friday October 23rd in the High School Auditorium. Tickets go on sale at once, Adults 75¢, children and students 35¢, The play is heing presented only one night in Terrace so get your ticket early. 0-0-0 C.Gel. ts The €.G,1,T,: will. meet, on Wednesday, Cetober 14th at 7:00 p.m, in the C6mmuntiy Church basement. Election of officers will take place. All girls of the church (between the ages of 12 to 17) are cordially invited to attend. 0-0-0 RIFLE CLUB MEETING A meeting has been called of the members of the Terrace Bay Rifle Club. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the reorganizing or closing of the club, If it is decided to disband, then the rifle club equipment will have to be disposed' of, The method of disposing the equipment will be discussed, The meeting is called for.FRIDAY, Oct. 1éth, at 7:00 p.m. in the armouries, SAFPTY SLOGAN Don't miss seeing "Here Comes Charlie!" Page 2 ST._MARTIN'S. PARISH Saturday, October 10th, 1953. Confessions - 4-5 p.m. 7-8 p.m. Sunday, October lith, 1953. Masses - 8:15 a.m. 10200 am. Rosary and Benediction ,, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, 0-0-0 MALE CHORUS All members ard ~otential members are requested to note the reheer- sal hours for each Thurs'ay have been chanered from the previous hours to 6:30 Ga PROBS a tie 0-0-0 eX--SURVICS WOMEN + i Are you interested in attending the Armistice Sunper? If so, please not- ify Dot Dalzell at Phone No. 453; Betty Cruickshank at 454 or Muriel walter at Buc's Store. It is immortant that we know as soon as nossible in order that we reserve a fixed number of tickets for you reals. The balance of tickets will fo on sale to the men. Do it now! 0-0-0 BASKET BALLERS! Tonight is your nicht at the Auditorium, This will be vour first get- together of the season and it is going" to be up to you fellows who wish to rlay basketball, to come ovt and jet us know what you have in rind for the season. It can be made to be a short s¢ason or a long one, denending on what vour nlans are for the winter, At anv rate be sure "to he on deck tonight, brine alone a nair of runrins shoes and we'll shoot a few baskets and then talk about ovr plans for the season, Startine time is 7:30 and we should be able to last until about 10 p.m. (Cont. on page 6) Thursday Noon Cctober &th to Thursday Noon October 15th. RES