COMMUNITY CHURCH Sun 'August 16th, 195: 10:00 a.m, ~ Morning Worship "The Army of the Lord" The Cubs and their Leaders will be in attendance at this service, o=0--0 | HELP WANTED -- MALE Applications will be received for the position of Caretaker for the Continuation School, duties to commence immediately, W.F Strutt,Secty Treas., Terrace Bay, Continuati on Sehool 0-0=--6 LOST One Ladies red bicycle with wire Carrier basket, Finder please phone 350 or 477. 0-0-0 PASSENGERS WANTED Driving to Fort William Friday evening 5:30 p.m, Returning Sunday §:00 p.m, Room for 4 passengers. Contact Wes Heald, Room 14, Hut 105 North Camp. O=0-0 WANTED to rent by end of August one large furnished room, for married couple, Apply P.O. Box 576, 'Om0=0 FOR SALE 4. burner electric range. Good condition. Bargain $40.00 cash, Apply House 51, Len Williams, . O-0--0 < Pagae2 ST, MARTIN'S PARISH Saturday, August 15th, 1953 Confessions = 3 to 4 p.m, 7 to & p.m. Sunday, August 16th, 1953 Masses = 8:15 a.m, 10:00 a.m. 0-0-0 PLAYGROUND PATTER Ten times ten is not too great a number of questions for a child to ask in a matter of minutes, And the question being asked now is: "When are we going to have another Wheels Day?" Yes it was a success -=- @ gay, lively, colorful success! The winners of the events are as follows: Decorations: Bikes: L, Ronnie Schock Wheel Barrows 1, Ronnie Faust ; Re Paul Zyri Tricycles ey Melly McCausland 26 Michael Brady 36 Danny Schock Doll Carriages l, Linda Nelson e Chrissie Wig Oy Diane Marcotte Bike Race: af Doug Moore ae Ron Schock ot Doug Craig Tricycle Race: Ls Don Fedun 2. Derek Wills Sh Danny Schock Wheelbarrow Race: dis Paul Zyri Re Ron Faust Doll Carriages: Largest: Velma LeBlanc Connie Connors Smallest-Barbara Pineault Slow Bike Race: line Ron Schock Re Doug Craig 3, Dennis Bouchie SAFETY SLOGAN (cont, on page 4) Thursday Noon August 13th to Thursday Noon August 20th. seevarsuaneadecnsssnenunssarecansestrucwemnrnsansanenunenssrnsausnneqenevennsseranestssanenssnseunsanesnensnuennsnsisssnsnivanssonssnnennensnannsversenscavenntens inrneanuensenepanannstenananesnsncsnans gesanvertiseusussuneruasessgusauacanenssnesaueetvenssnensesennessesesseuenssasanesseasecuseseuensssensusssnusgeesenensiusnssnstsnasansusnesbenasssnetassseeseseenntenscneneesesseavesessoestsseausencessstactusgesenesty savvensnnuunsestunsosnseecavurenasuesensssnceabsesssnssesuneguvannnoseganssssuusnnsssunsdnsesenascenewusansannageentevensasisscaantanssueescostvarssouanenssversennvenscnansunsessaunuantannnasssescananeananensnsssuassanssassssssetonnaendanesananssustangnsntnesosssoteanuneaangsonsqunsinegansassancgansacnscagsuussascoeegransnsgccesessanugnsnisuencensranenssnessacessanssssnsannsbuacetsanaabessusssenasigsccarcasssuunsananiansaninneaesenns