PLAYGROUND PROGRAMME TAKES SHAPE (cont.) need for more. Special emphasis. is made here to the fact that men are just as acceptable as women in this respect, 'The big need will be for during mornings and afternoons, so come' on; some of you Shift Workers, here's a réal chance to help your Community. Any persons wishing to help can do so by contacting Ossie Dalzell at. Mill Local 53 or Dial 453, Failing that, just drop a note in the mail. We must have your help to make this programme a success, Remember you don't have to have any particu- lar skill or profession, just a desire to help. Wetll show you what to do. Within the next week a meeting will be arranged, to have the volunteerhelpers meet with the staff to discuss plans and . accept ideas to add to the programme, Registration will also be discussed and a date set for that very important function, Remember folks, our children will only get out of this Programme, just as much as we put into it. - O-080 : SCOUT NEWS The Scquts are again having a work party at the Scout Camp Saturday morning leaving the Post Office at. 8:00 a.m. Camp time is rapidly approaching and there is a great deal 'of work to be done, k Please try to come out and help get the building closed in before camp time, 0-0-0. CEMETERY BOARD IS APPOINTED Precio A The Trustees of the Improvement Dist- rict recently appointed a Cemetery Board in the persons of Joe Marcella as Chairman, Vern Hoyer, Vice Chairman and members Rev, Lavender, Art Leblanc, Les Crandlemire and St. Martin's Parish Priest. The Cemetery will be located at the end of Beaver Creek Pumphouse Road , that is the road that leads past the Masonic and old Legion buildings in the South Camp area. 0-0-0 THANKS FOR HELPING The ladies of the Glver Birch Chapter of the 0.B.S. wish to say a hearty thanks to all who helped in making their Straw- berry Bridge a large success, O-0-0 Fage 6 HOCKEY PLANNING FOR 353-515), The newly elected Executive body for hockey in Terrace Bay has already held one meeting and has commenced plans for the coming season. A new constitution is being drawn up and plans are being made to take over the funds for the operation from the Reereation Committee, Many matters remain to be discussed but progress is being made and it is felt that we may have to look during the coming years to the building up of Junior Hockey teams: as a strong point for spectator interest Needless to say if an intermediate team can be profitably operated, and if a better showing than last year can be expect- ed, every effort will be made to ice a N.S. H, L. entry. For the benefit of those who may have forgotten the names of those who are trying to guide the destiny of hockey here, we mention thas the Executive body consists of Ed Cavanaugh, Paul Boudreau, Murdo Carvpbell, Earl Veitch and Joe Adamo, Other meetings are planned shortly and the chairmen of other committees will be called in on someof them, These are Alec Chisholm (N.S,H.L.), Ray Kenney (Minor Hockey) and Alec MacDonald (House League). The governing group will appreciate any suggestions or assistance that can be rendered in any way in the promotion of hockey. Just contact any one of the Execu-~ tive group, 0-0-0 'MINOR BASEBALL" The Kinsmen League of Schreiber has successfully launched its initial Minor Baseball League - comprising of two teams from Terrace Bay (the Indians and Browns) and four teams from Schreiber (Dodgers, Braves, Red Sox, Cardinals) The League got under way Monday even= ing in Schreiber with the Braves winning over the Dodgers. Last evening the Terrace Browns journey- ed to Schreiber and edged out the Red Sox 8-7 in their initial appearance under fire, These teams are well worth watching, and many pleasant evenings will be in store for the Residents of Terrace Bay and Schrei- ber who venture forth to see them on the Diamond, So come out and. see for yourself Saturday evening! All games start at 7:00 sharp. Our two teams Indians and Browns are managed by Phil Stuart (Browns) and Malcolm Craig (Indians) with an adequate coaching staff of civic minded persons willing to (cont, on page 7)