SHIFT #1 LEADS SOFIBALLERS (cont .) BIG 5 mp OR E ING E. Brady 9° F @ 32°C SHG E. Marostica 6 7 hk, 666 E. Pineault Why s 9 +642 W. Borsum 5 h 3 -600 'R. Grishaber 5 2 3 + 600° ALL-STAR SOFTBALL PRACTICE Bill Guest has requested that the following players report for softball prasct- ice Saturday evening at 6315 p.n. Schritt, Whitfield, Adrian, John Cavanaugh, Pineault, Slattery, Krahn, Borsum, Campbell, Lindskoog, iho, Garriock, Chopty, Burella, West, Marostica, Belliveau, Synishin, Sadowick, 'Hamilton and Ziwasre gh; tr aih this group Bill will pick his starting line up for the game against White River the following evening . Locker and 'shower focilities will be available for all ball players on Sunday. evening at the High School, o-0-0 JULY FIRST C/Bs.RET D,.NCE Don't forget to mike your plans now to attend the Cabaret Dance on July 1st which is being sponsored by the Fish and Gome issociation, rt We can tell you now thot admission will be by reservation only, the dance will last from 9330 .m. "to 1°30 amy iit tire old Rec, Hall, and music will be supplied by the Northern Knights. Watch the "News" for further details, 0-0-0 MALE CHORUS The next rehearsal of the Male Chorist- ers will be held in the Activity Room of the Continuation School at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 17th, This rehearsal will wind up the groups activities for the season but they will be resumed more enthusiasticea- lily then ever in the fall, O-0~0 © FOR RENT a Finished upstairs, Apply to 158 E Birch, Crescent, o-0=0 Page 5 SEPARATE SCHOOL BO..RD MEETING 4 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Terrace Bay Separate School will be held in the Separate School on Tuesday, June 16th, 1953 at 8: 15. pom. BE, 4. Marostica Sec-Treasurer, 0-0-0 TEACHERS! FEDER'.TION NEWS The Port Arthur East Unit of the Feder- ation of Women, Teacherst Association of Ontario held their Spring meeting in Schreiber on Fridey, May 29th,. Members were present from Marathon, Terrace Bay and Schreiber, The president, Mrs. L. Riddell gave an interesting, end informative report of the Spring Conference held in Port Arthur. Topics discussed included, Logislation Good Will, Superannuation, Sick Benefit, Educational Finance, Teacher Certifica .tion, Education Week, Education and Status, Officers elected for 1953-54 were President - Miss Lois Windle, Vice-President Miss Jean Budd, Sec. Treasurer, Miss Pat Honer, Miss Windle was delegated to attend the Annual meeting in Toronto in Ausust. & Buffet luncheon was served by the Schreiber teachers anc a social hour was enjoyed by everyone, 0-0-0 CUB ND SCOUT NEWS The Group Committee will be holaine o work bee at the new Camp Site at White Sond Leke on Saturdny morning, the work party will leave from the Post Office at 8:30a.m. If you find that you heave the time to spare please com 2xlong snd bring an exe, fll residents ore reminded that"every dey gift wrap" and assorted greeting tards are still aveilable through G, Rowlendson, o-0-0 ART COURSES AT THE Li.KEHE,D Mr, Gordon Couling, President, F.C./. will return to the Lakehead July 2nd to 19th 1953 to instruct in ert. Three courses have been planned:- 1. Blementary Course -- July 2nd, 3rd, 4th end 45th Re Advanced course -- July 9th, LOth, llth and 12th 36 Leadership Course - July 17th, 18th and 19th (cont, on page 6)