COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, June 14th, 1953 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship "Made for Mastery" The Sacrament of infant baptism will be administered at tho morning service. Any parents desiring to have thoir children baptized at this time may contact the ministor at House 61 Laurier or Phone 396, 0-0-0 BRIDGE AND WHIST Tickets are now availeble for the Strawberry Bridge and Whist Party to be held next Wednesday, June 17th in the Hotel Terrace Dining Room at 8:15 p.m. Tickets are available from any Rostern, Star Momber ab .75-cach. o+0-0 POR SALE i , *Lyode" baby pram in excellent condi- tion (silver grey). Reasonable. Phone 395 or'call at 14 Pine Crescent, 0-0-0 ¢.* v ' Mees 5 derings ALES sJ0J ai al srade od irlPageri2.. fli ea senr gel gid asd te Ue oldtd Ob éod" gu. £ ST. MARTIN'S PARTSH Saturday, June 13th - Confessions 3 to 4 7 to 8 Sunday, June 14th : 8:15 a.m. -- Mass. Servers - Walter a Joey Wig Mass . Joseph Marcella Giles LeBlanc Rosary & Benedictor® Rog LeBlanc . Terry Cavanaugh Claude Boudreau Cliff Knauff 10:00 a,m.= Servers 7:30 p.m, - Servers 1 C,WL. mecting after devotions. All nenbors requested to be present as this is the last Meeting until fall. CONFIRMATION His Excollency, Bishop Fentaae: 'wi1l , administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in "Holy Angels' Church, Schreiber, Sunday, Juno FOR FOR SATE ~~ 1938 Plymouth Sedan also two waehicod trniler, Apply 117 Laurier Ave., W. J. Vezina . 7] 0-0-0 . FOR SALE 7; Horsepower Bvenrade motor or will trade for smaller Horsepower Motor + Terms can be arranged, Apply House 20 Selkirk Avenue, R, Leclair, © 0-0-0 WANTED TO BUY erge sized double bed complete. Suit- able for cemp. Apply M. Nicol House 457. 0-0-0 2ist. at 7:30 p.m. . Any adults. wishing to be confirmed are asked to contact Father Rocnicke immediately, 0-0-0 FOR SALE 'Houschold items includ ing apartment sized mantle fireplace, Dining Room chairs, 2 cable bed springs. Apply H. N. Marsh, House 186, ' Qo-0-0 FOUND ye ak gents wrist watch owner please apply to Pat Redman, Dorm 105, Room 14. 0-0-0 » SAFETY SLOGAN Thursday Noon June 18th tv Thursday Noon June 5th. Last Thursdey John %/:de o* the Technical -Department ' gnswered the Safety Slogan correctly for $10.00.