BOY SCOUT AND CUB NEWS (cont.) invitation, Your attendance is requested at this affair to see the progress being made, 5. Cub meetings will be resumed June 9th at the regular hour, 6, Many thanks to those who assisted in dismantling the old Community Church. We will need your continued support at Camp Site if we are to meet the required date for camp ° o~0-0 SITUATIONS VACANT--MALE There are still several spots vacant in the Male Chorus that practises regularly in the Continuation School Activity Roon, each Friday at 8:00 p,m. There are only 2 qualifications necessary to fill these spots: (1) Have a voice (2) Read english and (3) the wish to enjoy the good fellowship of other choristers, ; It is pointed out to the present members of the Chorus, that our ranks are open ta any persons living in Schreiber whom they would like to invite out to sing with us, 0-0-0 e BASKETBALL PLAYERS PLEASE NOTE Effective immediately the Thursday night Basketbell sessions will be discontinu- ed untal further notice. 0-0-0 LAKEHEAD BUS SERVICE CHANGES Now that the Barber Shop has moved to Hotel Terrace, the official bus stop for the International Transit Bus Line is located at the Hotel, Maurice Kulcheski is still the ticket agent for this bus line, It is pointed out to all residents that the bus to the Lakehead makes trips on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday of each week, It arrives in Terrace Bay at 2:00 p.n. and leaves on the return trip at 2:20 p.m. O#0---O DEPT, OF HIGHIAYS ACCIDENT FACTS Final statistics relating to motor ve- hiele treffic accidents in Ontario during 1952 were released recently by the Ontario Department of Highweys. The casualty list reads as follows: 1,010 persons were killed, 23,634 were injured and damage to property (cont. in next col.) group, a Page 7 DEPT. OF HIGHYAYS ACCIDENT FACTS (cont. ) nmounted to $19,457,858, For 1951 the reading was 949 persons killed, 22,557 injured and damage to property $17,701,576 Largest increase in the number of deaths last year was in the infant group. This group, up to four years of age, regis- tered 75 deaths, compared with 45 in 1951 an inerease of 66.7 per cent. The 5-14 group showed a drop of 20.4 per cent,, 78 deaths compared with 1951's 98. In the 15-35 group, there were.364 deaths, up 12.3 per cent, over 1951; 222 deaths in the 36-54 group, up 7.8 per cent; 99 were killed in the 55-64 group, an increase of 3,1 per cemt; finally 172 deaths in the 65-plus decrease Of 4.4: per cent, The number of .pedestrians killed showed a decrease of 6.8 per cent,, from 339 to 316. Passengers killed increased 1§.2 per cent., from 302 to 348; 286 drivers died, up 14.8 per cent. from 249. There were 29 bicycle riders killed, compared with 35 the year before, ana 22 motorcycle drivers instead of 17 in 1951. There were 4.22 level crossing accidents killing 50 and injuring 118. £11 residents of Terrace Bay are requested to do ali tkat is possible to help eliminate this great loss of life and limb, 0-0-0 NOTICE Items for publication in the Terrace Bay News must be handled in one of the following ways:- Pl-ced in one of the Newsboxes located at the Mill Time Clocks, and the Hudson's Bay Store, pleced in the Post Office, delivered by hand either to the Recreation Office or the Personnel Office, No matter which system you choose the material must be at any one of these places NOT LATER THAN12:00 NOON ON 'EDNES- DAY Material for publication must be in writing and no telephone requests will be handled, Send it in writing, and don't wait until Wednesday noon to do it, please. The fact that Wednesday noon is the dead- line for all news doesn't mean that we won't accept it before that time, you can't get your news in too early for us, 0-0-0 BE ALERT SO YOU WON'T GET HURT