"CLIFF MCKAY" SHOW HERE SOON Arrangements have now been 'gompleted "by the Recreation Committee to bring Cliff McKay and:his All Star Revue and Dance to the High School Auditorium on Thursday, June 18th. That's not very far away folks-- as a'matter of fact it's just two weeks from tonight! .- 'Cliff, as you are probably all aware, is a former.radio star of the Happy Gang Show who now Has his own programmme heard daily over the C.B.C. The one-night stand there in Terrace Bay will consist of a two- hour Stage Show starting at 8:00 p.m. with a half hour intermission to clear the hall for dancing to the orchestra that accompan- ies the show. Te dancing will start at approximately 10:00 p.m. and last untit 1600 G@eMe Most of the entire cast of this wick are Radio and Television stars who have.: excellent records as entertainers in the: Hast, -A very reasonable price scale has been set for this entertaiment, . Show prices will be $1.00 for Adults and .75-cents for school children, fickets to the aneP will be $1.00 -per person, | KEEP THIS DATE OPEN FOLKS---WE AREN' T ABLE TO GET THIS TYPE°:OF 'ENTERTAINMENT ANY TIME WE WANT IT, YOU JUST CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT AT THESE PRICES, "HELP WAN' WANTED - - FEMALE i" ° Hotel Terrace urgently needs a room maid who can start now for summer months, | | De "y work, Live out. "An opportunity for. -some local lady to add to the family Vacation "kitty". Think it over, Apply pat once to Mill Local 15, or see the ent Supervisor me "he Mid: aasassshabacontaponomansesssasehitsesiammanessstsieltdlisorresesssarsripseesivesereseneed 0-0-0 FORESTRY ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME Just a reminder folks, keep the night of June the 12th open and don't farget to bring the whole family along to see some of 'Nature's most beautiful pictures ever filn- ed, Time and place, to be posted on bulletins around the Mill and Townsite during this coming week, Terrace Bay Fish & Game Club. o-0-0 Page 6 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF TERRACE BAY'. METHOD OF PARKING No person shall park a vehicle on any Street or Highway other than a one way street unless on right. hand side of the - street or highway, having regard for the. direction in which the vehicle had been proceeding except in areas designed for angle parking, PARKING RESTRICTIONS No person shall park any vehicle of any kind, in any of the following places in the Townsi te of Terrace Bay; is Where "No Parking" signs have been erected and. are on display; .A. On the South and East side of Simcoe Plaza' B, In front of the Roxy Theatre, C. Opposite Continuation School on Hudson Drive, D,. In front of any drive-way. Within an intersection, 3. Within 10 feet of a Fire Hydrant, 4. Within 20 feet of any intersection where buses take on or discharges passen~ gers, By On any street or ey in such a manner as to obstruet traffic. Right angle parking only on Rorth and West side of Simcoe Plaza. Angle parking only in front of 26 'Continuation School Hudson Drive, A fine is imposed 'for -any infraetion of this By-Law, O-0-0 BOY SCOUT AND CUB NEWS 1. To assist in Coronation Ceremonies in Terrace Bay a Beacon Fire was ignited at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 2nd, as was simultaneously done by Scout orgainizations across the continent, 2. Keep June 12th in mind and attend the dance at the Continuation School, Sponsor- ed by Scout Group Committee for raising of funds to permit continuation of Scout and Cub activities in our Community. Time, 10:00 p.m. June 12th Friday. Music by Vagabonds, Price ladies 25¢ Gents Pl. 00, 8. 2on Sunday, Me May 31st both Cybs and Seouts held well attended church parades to St. ~ Martin's and Community Churches, 4. Parents nite for Cubs to be held June 23rd at 7:30 p.m. at Continuation School,. Each Cub parent will receive a personal {cont. on page 7)