SUMMER PLAYGROUND PROGRAMME (cont, ). registration fee of .50 per child per month or a family maximum of $2,00 per month, in order to accumulate enough money to purchase minor supplies to operate the programme, T,cse supplies would include such items as scissors, crayons, colouring books, bats, balls, plasticine, films, etc. In this respect, a questionnaire is being prepared that will be circulated. to every home, in an attempt to find out the number of ey ren 'who will be registered for participation in this programme. Your prompt attention -to completing these forms will greatly assist us in our-planning. a Oo IS (2 iS RUCE _svoonss (cont. ) Girls 7-9 - Costuno winner was Gail Woods Vehicle winner was Peggy Shizriff Bovs ro ~ Costume winner was Ross Dixon Vehicle winner was Donald Farrow . Girls -10-13 ~ Costume and vehicle winner was Ann Porter Girls 4-6 - 25 yd. dash winner was Barbara CORONATION 22-35 Pineault ; Boys 4-6 -- 25 ya. dash winner was Harold "Wood - Giris 4-6 - Egg & Spoon winners were Jane '"Heenan and Adrian Lang Bove 4-6 = Egg and Peon eee: was Frenets Schock Girls ee - 50 yd. dash winnox was Cha arlotte ' Craig Boys Ts - 50 yd, dash winner was Ronnie Schock Cirls 7-9 = depot cdg utiakt winner was Barbara Sweet Boys 7-9 - Shoe-kicking contost winner was Ronnie Schock ree 10-13 - 75 yo. dash winner was Donna Lohr Bole 10-13 ~ 15 yi. dash winner was Barry ) . Marquis Girls 10-13 - one shoe race winner was Julie Ann Stachiw Boys 10-13 - One shoe race winner was Brian Harvey Boys 10-13 - Whellbarrow Race winners were Walter Corrigan and Arthur Trudeau. 0-0-0 LIBRARY W NEWS "Tho Library will be closed from June LOth end will reopen at the usual time July 2nd. 0-0-0 "tive Committec, quet, Page 5 LONGLAC WINS TWO MORE NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL AWARDS On May 27th at 2 special ceremony staged in the Pulp Storage Building, Long- Lae Pulp end Peper Co. was presented with two more National Safety Council awards. This brings to five the number of Council awards won by the LongLac organization in a three year period. e presentation was made on behalf -of the National Safety Council by Arthur Carle, Vice-Chairman and Programme Chair- man of its Pulp and Paper Section Execu- Mr. Care is Safety Director of The Northwest Paper Co:, Minnesota. The first award, a "Certificate of Achievement, "" was accepted by Daniel J. Gillis, President of Local 665. This award was earned in the 1952 Paper Indus- try Safety Contest for « frequency rate 'below the national average and better then our 1951 experience. The second award, an "Award of Merit" was a citation for working more than a million man hours in 1952 without a single disabling injury. It is the second high- est award now given to industry by the N.S.C. This award was accepted on behalf of the LongLac organization by H. ©. Laundy Personnel Superintendent in the absence of Clo- the Mill Menager, D.C. Porter, Also presented at the ceremony by Arthur Carle were prizes to three winners of a First Aid Contest held in the spring. Prize money for the contest which was of a local nature was donated by the Ontario Pulp and Paper Mekers" Safety Assodation, Winners of the contest a Harvey Mc~ -- Canna (1st -prize -'$20.00); M.0. Nelson (2nd prize - $10.00); Ken MacKay (3rd prize $5.00). -O--0~0 ATTENTION LADIES Don't forget the Gumneeo Sale, June 13th to be held in Adam's show room at a 00 e.m. Trcre will be a house to house anvass made Friday June 12th if -you "are A at home whon the canvasser ealls and have articles for the sale, arrangements can be made to have them picked up by phoning Jessie Dodge at 385. o-0--0 THE WINNER of the Catholic Lcoague's . Goronesion Doll was John Cavanaugh, 0-0-0