HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The Annual Meeting of the Terrace Bay Home and School Association was held in St. Martin's. Separate. School. Tuesday: evening, May 26th, Malcolm Craig, retiring president . presided at the meeting. Mrs. Betty Cavan- - augh read the minutes of the past meeting and the last annual meeting. Mac Craig thanked the ladies who had _ put on the tea for the official opening 'of St. Martin's Separate School last month and announced that a cheque had been re- ceived from the School Board for this tea, Treasurer's report was read by M. Craig in the absence of Al Stevens. Mrs. Lois Hopper, Corresponding Sec- retary, read a letter from the Improvement District stating they were giving further study to the erection of additional traffic regulation signs and speed limits in school zones. A letter had also been re- ceived from the New District Chairman of " the Thunder Bay District, Mrs, Faulds of Port Arthur, offering to visit this Associ- ation. A family camp will beheld at Loon Lake August 10th to 17th and Mrs. Hopper will write for further particulars on this. Authorization was given for a tape recorder to be purchased with the schools supplying $100.00 from their funds and the Home and School Association the balance subject to the approval of Principal Clar- ence Smith on the type of recorder. This tape recorder to be for the use of all three schools, each school supplying their own tapes. John Wade, as Chairman of the Nomin- ating Committee announced the nominations. Assisting him were Mrs. D. MacFayden from the Continuation School, Mrs. Gray Flater representing the Separate School and Bob Shirriff for the Public School. Additional nominations were made from the floor and following elections, officers for the com- ing season will be: President - Al ae Vice-~Presidents - Mrs. D. Porter, Mrs. W. Pletzer and Ron Faust, Corresponding Secre- tary - Mrs. V, Hopper, Recording Secretary Mrs. J. Falzetta, Treasurer - Jim Corrigan, Executive members ~- Mrs, W. Cavanaugh, Mrs. T. McInnes, Mac Craig, Harry Coe and Bob Shirriff. Mrs, Meredith Nelson as Programme Convenor gave her report on programmes for the past year and Jim Corrigan, Membership Convenor reported on the steady rise in membership during the season. Mac Craig gave his retiring address for the year and thanked all who had worked so willingly with him to make it such a successful year. On the entertainment side, a short: | skit entitled "Mrs, Chark's Sittingroom" Page was enthusiastically received with players Dorothy Ann Whyte, Stella: Brown and Art LeBlanc taking part. The quiz "What's My Line?" followed with Pat Dooling, Lois Windle and Ray Kenney stumbling on the panel. Mrs. K. MacLeod and Mrs, W. Mallais served tea and luncheon during the social hour, 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN Dr. "Mike" and Mrs. McCausland have returned from a three week holiday spent in Toronto and Detroit. _ Mrs. O.R. Caldwell of Midland, Ontario arrived Saturday to visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs, Doug Hillman, The Roland Grishabers visited at the Lakehead last weekend, Mrs. Alf Gerow with Donny, Tommy and Rickie left Saturday for Chapleau where they will visit with Mrs. Gerow's mother for the coming three weeks, Mrs. Ted Brown entertained at a garden party in honour of her daughter Donna's sixth birthday on Tuesday morning, June 2nd. Twelve little guests enjoyed a variety of games and contests followed by their lun- cheon outdoors, _. Attending the Foreman's Club of Port Arthur last Friday were Mr. & Mrs. Don Boudreau, Mr. & Mrs, Harold Marsh, Mr, & Mrs, E. Young, "r. & Mrs. Howard Solly, Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Rowson, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Coe and Mr. H.C. Laundy. Mrs. Vie Timpano entertained on the occasion of her daughter Sherri's sixth birthday Monday afternoon, June lst. Thirteen guests were presented and enjoyed many games and contests before their lovely luncheon. O-o-90 isNTED TO BUY One double or 2 size bed, with spring filled matress in good condition. Apply 264 Kenogame Road or write P.O. Box 131. 0-0-0 LOST One heavy nickel plated lock at Hayes Lake. Return to House 21 or Phone 276, Reward. 0-0-0 MEETING of Community Church Board immedia--- tly following the evening service this coming Sunday, 0-0-0