NOTICE TO ALL SOFIBALL TEAM MANAGERS In order to insure an orderly and well balance softball League, the Softball Execu- tive, at the first of the season, allocated certain manpower to each team in the League, Each player in the League, therefore must play softball for the team which represents his job classification, .A player can only play for another team when he has a release signed by the manager of the team having the prior right to that player's talents because of that player's job classification. This release must be filed with League Secretary effective immediately any violation of this rule leaves the offending team open to the penalty of forfeiture of games. If any Managers have any doubt about players on their roster please get in touch with the Secretary for further clarification, All managers must submit signed playing certificates for not more than 15 players together with their League entry fee not later than June 30th to the League Secretary, No player transfers will be allowed after this date under any circumstances, Terrace Bay Soft%all Club Executive. POSTPONED GAMES (a) Game between Shift 3 an@ Maintenare, which was originally scheduled on May 29th, has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, June 16th, 6215 p.m. (b) Game between Salary and Townsite, originally scheduled on May 31st, has been re~scheduled for Thursday, June llth, 6:15 paMe Team Managers please note these changes oi your. Revised Schedule and advise your players accordingly. TXHIBITION SOFTBALL GAME An exhibition Softball game has been arranged for Sunday evening, June 14th (6:15 p.m.) between an All-Star team from White River and the All-Stars as picked from teams participating in our Local Soft- ball Club. Our popular "Umpire-in-Chief" Bill Cuest has been appointed by the Softball Executive as Manager of our local All-Stars and this choice should prove highly satis- factory to ball-players and fans alike as Bill not only has an excellent understand~ ing as to how the game should be played - (cont. in next col,) Page 3 EXHIBITION SOFTBALL GAME (cont. ) but what is more important he knows what players are the "cream of the crop", Best of luck Bill in your efforts to round out a representative team. ' Will those yvlayers who are still in- possession of an All-Star uniform from last year PLEASH return these to Ed Pineault by Monday, June 8th at the very latest. These uniforms are the property of the Softball lub and the Executive is anxious that these be turned in without delay so as to make the necessary repairs and have them dry-cleaned prior to the game scheduled for June 14th, 0-0-0 ANY GIRLS INTERESTED in playing Softball this year are to come out on Saturday the ball diamond for a pract- ise at 3:00 p.m. also Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. 0-0-0 FAMILY CAMP Sronsored by the Community Programmes Branch, Ontario Dept. of Education, Where -- at Loon Lake - 30 miles east of f Port Arthur oy What --- An experiment to discover how a Family Camp can contribute to a more co-operative, productive and happier life for all the family, through an understanding of human relations, the learning of new skills and the opportunity to relax, When --- Monday, August 10th to Sunday, Aug. 16th. Accomodation -- Will be granted in the order in which applications are received, Tere is room for 15 familys only from Thunder Bay Dist-:. PLCE) Registration fee of $10.00 per week plus the following total cost, 2 adults $31,00 2 adults-one child $39.75 2 adults-two children $46.75 For more detailed information and registration forms see M, 0. Nelson, Chairman of the Recreation Committee. Fee - 0-0-0 STORK CLUB Congratulations this week go to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Comeau on the birth of a son on May 29th. 0-0-0