GET A FREE CHEST X-Ray (Cont, ) It is imperative that each resident over the age of 12 years gets this chest x-rays - Your Christmas Seal money makes this Clinic possible, 0-0-0 LOCAL CORONATION PROGRAMME (cont.) age groups, for the best costume and the best decorated vehicle, Children may enter. either in costume or with a decorated _vehicle or both; As an added incentive to the girls in 4 to 6 age group the winner of tho costume prize in that group will be permitted to crown the beautiful Coronation Doll now on display at Waghorn's Pharmacy. . The winning ticket for this Doll will be drawn later in the day by the C.W.L. The crowning of the doll will take place - immediately following the costume parade. At approximately 3:00 p.m, races will | commence for both girls and boys in the age group mentioned above, There will be Novelty Races too, so come on kids lot's get busy on the costumes and vehicles and all turn out for a big day. At 6:15 p.m, a Softball Ball game will. take place between Maintenance and Shift Now 2s There: will be a slight: lull dnmthe programme while we await derkness at approximately 9:00 p.m. when a gigantic Fireworks Display will be staged at the Townsite Ball Perk. In this respect should be noted by all residents that where possible people should walk over to the ball park and leave their cers at home. To climax the day's proceedings, wind up will be a Free Dence in the Continuation School Gymnasium starting at approximately 9:30 p.m. and lasting until 1:00 a.m. Music wisl be by the Vagabonds, Two spot danses will be held for which appropricte prizes will be awarded. fh great deal of preparation has gone into this programme by members of the ° general: Committee and it is going to take participation by all residents to make it a successful event, Just in ease we should have rain on Tuesday, all of that day's programe, with the exception of the dance, will be post- poned until Saturday, June 6th, | In addition to these events, it shoud. pe pointed out that a Gvewti-shrped Corona- tion Carden is being cultivated on the lawn of the Post Office, to permanently commérm- rate this auepiokoue occasion, the Lencitataeee ane nie Page 5 : SCHOOL NOTES a Eupire "e Day was Suitably observed in the Public School on Friday, May 18th,with an interesting and. varied programme, AL pupils from Kindergarten to Grade VIII participated. Kindergarten dramatized the nursery rhymes, Pussy Cat Pussy Cat and Humpty Dumpty. Grade I gave a Choral read- ing "They're Changing the Guard", A flag drill -- "Soldier Boy". Grade II. and IIL presented a dialogue "Children of the Empire"; Grade IV and V took part ina 4 play "Spirits of the Explorers", Grade V end VI Pupils had a radio broadcast- "Canadian Roundup", Grade VII and: VIII offered a play - "Empire Day Parade of the Commonwealth Countries", Patriotic songs were sung under the direction of Miss Mc- Adam - Grades I, II and III sang Coronation Ode", Grades iv to VIII sang "Elizabeth of Fngland", and "Heil the Queen", The programme was presented as an open air Concert to which School Trustees and parents were invited. St, Martin's Separate School also observed. Empire Day with a special pro- gramme suited to the occasion, 0-0-0 The next regular Director's moeting will be held in the Activity Room of the Continuation School, Everybody welcome. Come out and scehow they operate! Ail questions answered! Wednesday, June 3rd ab 6200-pim. 0-0-0 _ NOTICE To all persohs. handling tickets for the Terrace Bay Fish and Game Club, will you please turn your ticket books in to G,.. Conway or'.D, Ollen B,ttle at your earliest opportunity, © O-O-0 ; THE MALE CHORUS, will rehearse 90 the High sci on Fridcy, May 29th at 8:00 p.m. 0-0-0 NEW COMMUNITY SERVICE Lawn mowers sharpened on a "new im- proved sharpening machine. Satisfa action is guaranteed on 211 work. Mowers may be left at W. Sadowick, 54 Hudson Drive. ; 0-0-0 SHOE REPATR SHOP HOURS The shoe repair shop will be open in the evening this week from 6:00 p.m, to 8:00 p.m. May 27 to June 2. Then will be closed until June 23rd for holidays. \2