Volume 8, No, 21 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY BOWLERS ANNUAL WINDUP > "LOCAL. CORON: TION PROGRAMME On Saturday Nite, that all bowlers in Terrace Bay get their chance to howl at the Annual Windup. This year all the five leagues are combined into | one organization and the windup will consist; : following order; of a banquet and dance to be held at the South Camp Recreation Hall, Only bowlers and their guests have been invited and the air will no doubt be filled with "If I had only got that last Sspare","I was tapped" or "Not another head. pin?" Trophies and prizes will be distributed at the banquet, The Catholic Women's League is the Caterer which means an outstanding meal. Dinner starts at 6:30 sharp. If there is anyone who signed up for tickets and has not yet picked them up see Al Lindskoog i that all of her. subjects pray for her on : this special occasion, : Monday, June lst. immediately as the number of places has been definitely set and will be difficult to change, o~0-0 GET A FREE CHEST X-RAY the X-Ray Clinic Railway Car will be at i held at St, ' which special prayers to mark this occasion | will be said. Side the C.P.R. freight shed at the Station.: Terrace Bay Saturday evening and all day Monday. Saturday evening --- 7:00 to 9:00 - Be- Monday --- 10:00 to 12:00 2:00 to 4:00 at the Mill Monday -- 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m,- At the old unloading platform near the C.P.R. Station on the North side of the tracks, If you have been given a white X-ray card bring it, but if not, come anyway. (con't on pago 5)- May 30th is the nite: : Elementary School Grades. : will get underway with a combined Costume May 28, 1953 CS All details are now complete for loc al observance of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on June 2nd, The line up of events will take the Saturday, May 30th. Judging of the decorated homes in the Townsite for which the Kiwanis Club has put up prizes of $10.00 for first, $8.00 for second and $5.00 for third. | Sunday, May 30th. At 11:00 a.m. a special Coronation | Service will be held in the Community Church : to which all members of the congregation / are urged to make a special effort to attend, It should also be mentioned here that the Queen has made a special request Suitable souvenir Coronation Mugs have been secured by the Committee and will be distributed to the pupils of all 3 schools, Tuesday, June 2nd. At 9:00 a.m. a special mass will be Martin's R.C, Church during Starting at 2:00 p.m, a special pro- gramme of events for both girls and boys in the age group of 4 to 13 will be held, This does not include any children beyond the This programme and Decorated Vehicle parade with a separate prize for a boy and a girl in each of the (cont, on page 5)