HUDSON'S BAY EVENT Right now the "chaff" is being sorted 'from the "wheat", so to speak, and for this reason we're not able to give a @etached picture of how skips are progressing. How- ever, next week will see this event coming into the final stage and at that time we'll see which rinks are potential winners, Imperial Bank Trophy During the past week the following skips won their games, (Losers in brackets) Ross (J, MacDonald), jllen (Garvin), A. MacDonald (Byers), Ostling (McColl), Farrow (Byers), Latour (Harris), Allen (Ross), Garvin (Heughn) Wellings (Pineault), Farrow (Baillie), Craig (MeColl). For the third week in a row, Alex MacDonald leads in this event with 5 wins and a loss. On completion of next week's play we will have reached the half-way mark, approximately, at which time a complete Page 5 VALENTINE DANCE - FRIDAY, FB, 13TH /t 10 ofclock next Friday evening, the "Vagabonds" will start to beat the brass and drums for what may be the last and most enjoyable Cebaret Dance in Terrace Bay. The House League Hockey boys are putting every- thing they've got into this Valentine Dance to make it a great success, Reservations are coming in fast so you can take this as being fair warning that you shouldn't hesi- tate any longer if you expect to get a table. 237, Glenna MacDonald in the Admin. Harold Hall in Pulp Conversion or drop into the Traveller's Home in Schreiber and your neads will be taken care of. been set at $2.00 per couple and refresh- ments will be sold at a very reasonable cost. in invitation to accompany you to this dance will make a nice Valentine for your Sweet- heart, You may contact Joe Kennedy at Dial Bldg., Tickets heve Don't forget the date - Friday, Feb- summary of wins and losses will be published, ruary 13th, In the meantime -- keep up the gocd work, Alex, Here'n There: Late Saturday night the old-time and novice curlers from the Engineering Dept. got together and played off a so called "championship" game, Malcolm Craig skipped his rink of Howard Solly and Herman Roberts (no lead) to a victory over their opponents skipped by "Curly" Hale with support from Dave McDonald, Don Boudreau and Verl Thomp- son, Probably the highlight of the evening occurred when Herman Roberts iced a stone and which in the process "lost it's handle", Someone hollered at Herman, "tough, boy -- she lost her handle" and he denied this quite loudly -- pointing to the handle on the rock, which true enough was still atte ached. Who said we don't have fun curling?? MacDonald Brier Event: Well, our boys (Wellings, Boudreau, Hamilton and Paget) arrived back in the early hours this morning, tired but happy. If you've been listening to your radio you will know that Terrace Bay acquitted them- selves ina splendid manner, They came away from their first MacDonald Brier Bonspiel with 3 wins and 3 losses - 50% - which is eood in any league. But what is sweeter than all, though, was their thrilling win over Grant Watson's rink of Port arthur. This win made it necessary for Port arthur to play a "sawoff" with the home rink from Madsen as each of these aggregations wound up with 5 wins and 1 loss, o-0-0 FIRES BURN UP JOBS OBEY SAFETY RULES 0-0-0 "STARS OF WILF CARTER SHOW" HERE MONDAY Under the auspices of the local "Hoe- down Club" a Western Style Show and Dance will be held in the South Camp Recreation Hall on Monday, Feb. 9th. of the programme, the 2 hour show will get underway at 8:30 p.m. with the dancing to follow immediately afterwards, for the show will be 75¢ for adults and 35¢ for children under 12. ends the Show will be admitted to the Dance" for 50¢ extra, otherwise 75¢ will be the admission price to the Dance, The first part 4£dmission Anyone who att- This promises to be a very interesting evening with Singing, Music, Dancing and Comedy being featured throughout the Show. Square Dancing, as only the members of the Hoedown Club can perform it, will be one of the features of the Dance, o-0-0 LIBRARY NEWS New Adult Books "The Struggle for Europe" by Chester Wilmot, This, we believe, is the most important book yet written about World War II, for it tells the story not only of how Hitler was defeated, but of how Stalin emerged the real victor. "Barmy in Wonderland" by P. G. Wodehouse. This is Wodehouse at the top of his form, "Corpse to Cairo" by Menning O'Brien. <A story as crooked and bloody as a bent skewer in a Slaughterhouse, "Slow Ship to Hong Kong" by Leonard Crocombe, "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vineent Peale, ing the problems of everyday living. A practical guide to master- 0-0-0