Volume 8, No. 4 LARGEST CIRCULATION VALENTINE C..BLRET D.NCE Preparations are now well underway for the 6th Annual Valentine Dance, This year it is being sponsored by the House League Hockey boys instead of the North Shore League team, The House League is now quite a sizg- able activity with close to eighty players participating in this league and a fair amount of equipment is necessary to equip these players. All of the players taking part in this league have contributed finane cially towards the purchase of this equip~ ment and will be sponsoring the oecasional fund-raising event to secure the balance of funds required, 411 reservations for this dance, which may be the last Cabaret Dance in Terrace Bay, should be made through Joe Kennedy, phone 237; Harold Hall in the Pulp Department; Glenna MacDonald in the Admin, Bldg.; or at the Travellerst Home in Schreiber, Tickets will be sold at $2.00 per couple, a real bargain price, and refresh- ments will be sold at a very reasonable price, Music will be supplied by the Vagabonds, Starting time will be set for 9 P,M. As usual, the checking concession will be cap- ably handled by the Boy Scouts, Reservations are coming in fast already, so don't delay and be disappointed, For further info,, see Cliff "Red" Wood: , Chairman of the Dance Committee. 0-0-0 TELEPHONE OWNERS NOTE Would all Townsite residents with phones please note: "LUMBERS GROCETERI/." --- Dial 22h was omitted from the temporary directory which was issued last week, o-0-0 ON. DH SOBs ss. <5 OBE. THR JOB ss ses PAY) OT Sin January 29, 1953. IN TERRACE BAY i LOC..L CITIZENS ENJOY GOOD HE/LTH The following fmnual Report was recently received by the Improvement District Trust- ees from the local Medical Officer of Health and is reprinted here for the information of everyone, "In general, our community has an env- iabie health and sanitation record for the past year with comparatively little commun- icable disease and few health hazards. Throughout the school year, frequent visits were made to the public school by myself and also by the school nurse and all pupils examined and the necessary innoculat- ions done, .umny defects noted are brought to the attention of the parents with good results, Immunization of the children of the community against diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus was continued throughout the year with a total of 374 innoculations and 109 veccinations against small pox, In addition a threatened outbreak of diphtheria was dealt with most efficiently by Dr, Ridge who organized and supervised the inmuniza- tion of 430 children, local and from nearby comiunities during January. There have been 2 cases of whooping cough and one of scarlet fever but no mumps during the past year. There were 15 cases of simple measles and minor outbreaks of German measles and chickenpox, There were no fatalities due to infectious disease, There were 54 live births during the year to Terrace Bay residents but no deaths, Maternal and infant mortality were zero as were stillbirths, The public school has been inspected and found to be excellent from a sanitation standpoint, f. weekly sanitation inspection of the North Camp including dining hall, food storage, refrigeration, and dishwashing (cont. on page. 6)