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Terrace Bay News, 27 Dec 1951, p. 5

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CHiISTM..S CONCERT (cont. from pnge 4) Completing the program was a play entitled "The Dyspeptic Ogre" acted by Grades 7 and 8, This play was teken directly from the school render and h-d been studied as part of the pupils' litersture. The program was closed by the singing of "God S-ve tho King", o-0-0 HOTS, TERRACE New Year's Dinner - Menu Stuffed Celery - Olives ~ Dorchester Salcd Tomato Juice Honeyed Grapefruit Consomme au Croutons roast Young Tom Turkey - Sage Dressing Cranberry Snuce Nove Scotia Lobster - Thermidor Brussel Sprouts Creamed Carrots Collarette or Whipped Potatoes Plum Pudding - Hard Sauce Coupes Jxicques Pickles Mince Pies Fruit Cnke Canape Frvourite Nuts Candy Coffee able Reserv:.tions Required - to be booked not later then Saturday, December 29th. Price per person - $1.75. o-0-0 NOTICE Items for publication in the Terrace Bry News must be handled in one of the following weys3;- Placed in one of the T, B, Newsboxes located at the Mill Time Clocks, and the Hudson's Bay Store, Placed in the Post Office, Delivered by hand to either the liecrention Office or the Personnel Office. No matter which system you choose, the material must be nt any one cof these places NOT LATER THN 12:00 NOON ON WzDNES- Dat Material for publication must be in writing and no telephcne requests will be handled, Send it in writing, and don't wait until Wednesday noon to do it, plense, The fact that Wednesday noon is the Dendline for all news doesn't mean that we won't accept it before that time, you can't get your news in too early for us. 0-0-0 INTELLECTUAL SNOB - a man who wontt speck to Q pretty girl on a train because he doesn't like the book she's reading, Page 5 WHO'S MOVING IN? During the next three weeks we'll give e little sketch on those important persons in our community referred to as new tenants, many of whom have trken up residence in the new Lakeview Subdivision, ) Doug Thompson, wife Thursa, and children erolyn and "Roddy" after a long wait sre now on Elizabeth ive. Doug hails from Liverpool, N. S, and is . Mnintenence Dept. Machinist at the Mill, heving joined the Company on June 30, 1950, ilex Marquis, wife Jessie and children Sharon, Roneld and Barry are now on Fort Garry Id. «lex enme from the L-kehead City of Port .rthur 2nd h-s been o Msintencnce Dept. Welder since March 5, 1951. John Dejonghe, wife .nnie and sons Lloyd and sindrew, cre now on Elizabeth ive. John was employed for some time at Eagle ltiver before coming to Terrace Bry, and has been on the Mill payroll since July 7/50, now - janitor in Service Department, Len Crockford and wife Norma (Steno Pool) are on Elizabeth ive. Len, who was here for 9 brief time in construction days (1947) worked in Sault Ste, Marie for two years before joining the Mill on November 28/49 where he is now a Blecchery 2nd Helper, Both Len and Norma look on Thessalon, Ontario as "home", Ken Turner, wife Margaret and daughter Valerie inn now reside on Elizabeth uve, Ken hrils from Kentville, N.S. and sub-let for some time with the Wilsons on Hudson Dr, He now works as an electrician's helper in Maintenance and hrs been at the mill since December 31/49. Mel Nicol, wife Irene, ond children Lyle and Paulette Louise living on Fort Garry itd. Mel wns here for « time in the 1946 construction days and has rejoined the Company on april 17/51 working -s a Delivery Mcn in the Warehouse, o-0-o0 The staff of the "News" wishes to txke this opportunity of thanking all those who contributed in one wey or another during the year, to help make our little paper worthwhile. long with these thanks, goes the wish to readers everywhere for the Most Prosperous and Happy New Year of ell time, o-0-o0 "D.FFYNITIONS" HICK TOWN = . place where if you see a girl dancing with » man old enough to be her father -- he is, M.RRIAGE - a committee of two on ways 2nd menns, One has her wny, the other provides the mecns,

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