Chirch 30 A.M. - Sunday School A.M. - The Power of God P.M. - The Tyranny of the Past. WAYSIDE PULPIT The only witchcraft to fear is the evil nyptt is O-o-6 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR A Christmas Bazaar and Afternoon Tea will be held hy the Ladies Auxiliary this Saturday, November -2,th from 2:30 to 5 PM, in the basement of the new Community Church in the Townsite. Come and bring your friends and do your Christmas shopping early. We will have a good selection of knitted goods, novelty items, aprons, pillow cases childrens' clothes ete. Our table of home baking will be well stocked and the 0.G.1.T. girls will tempt you with their home-made candy. O-o -0 HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The Terrace Bay Home end School Associ- ation held their monthly meeting in the school on Monday evening, Novemver 19th. Mr. R. Shirriff gave a very instruc- tive discourse on the "Importance of First Aid in the Home", There will be no meeting of the Home and School Association during December but the rogular meetings will be resumed on Jan- uary 16th. There are still some of the Travelling Library books out which must be returned to Mrs, R.H. Scowen, 78 Hudson Drive, not later than December lst. O-o - 6 FOR ots lack seal coat, persian lamb trim. a reasonable, Apply house 115, or phone 58. O-o-0 Saturday, November 24th, - Confessions - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Sunday, November 25th, - Masses 8:15 AM and 10:00 AM Ushers - Cliff Knauff Hugh Chesley Rosary and Benediction at 7:30 PM with Choir practice following. Parishioners are reminded that the special collection for fuel will be taken up on Sunday, November 25th. 0-0-0 BINGO! BINGO! BINGO! Don't forget this Friday night - 8 PM sharp - when another of the popular Bingo Nights will be held in the basement of St. Martin's Church. Get there on time be- cjuse bingos will be short and sweet and ° there'll be lots of prizes. O-o-0 ANNUAL XMAS TURKEY BINGO Sponsored by the St. Martin's Club, this will get underway at & PM on Monday evening, December 10th in the Church Basement, A good plump variety of "Birds" will be available to the lucky winners, with average weight being around 10lbs, A feature of this year's bingo is that the turkeys will not be distributed on December 10th, but will be kopt in a frozen state until the 15th or thereabouts so that turkey winners will be assured of having theirs fresh and unspoiled for Xmas, A claim check only will be given to each Bingo winner - so plan now to attend and keep this date open - Monday, December 10th, O-o-0 LOST Tool Box between Terrace Bay and Schreiber. Time Card 169, Room 28, Camp 105. O-o0o-0O SAFETY SLOGAN WHEN Ni oe etn mn mene tt "Last week, Dave ibbonaid peebd Sho Metely Biogen and $10,00. coceran Noon, November ait to ee Noon, November Binet ! \ i) Me Hi | a) Ly ve VEC ie wo Oy "auaak Leek luck, Sn.