SuFETY ChLEBR. TION MONDAY - (cont. from pg.) shown in the Recreation Hall at 2:00 p.m, for the children, Rain will also move the dance to the Recreation Hall, Free tickets will entitle everyone to a choice of items: soft drinks, candy bars, gum, bingo, golf driving and case of rain. £11 refreshments will be dispersed through the Lower Comp Snack Bar in the Recrention Hall, The Terrace Bay Accident Prevention Committec would like to state that every- thing is being passed on at actual cost in- sofar as possible, Any surplus whatsoever will be equally distributed in 2 per capita basis to all units under the Mill-wide safety contest set-up, LET'S .LL HAVE FUN! o-0-0 ROD & GUN CLUB IS ST:.RTED it a recent meeting of Rod and Gun enthusiasts held in the Townsite, plans were set-up for the formation of an active club for Terrace Bay. Twenty-five persons attend- ed and enjoyed the words of wisdom given by Mr. Keith Dennis, President of the North- western Ontario Conservation Federation, and Chris irmstrong, Biologist from the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests, Fish & Wildlife Division, Mr, Dennis spoke on some of the purposes of Fish and Game Association, placing emphasis on such items as sponsoring competitive fishing -nd hunting; the conser~ vation of our fish and game; stream control work; developing the interest of Junior Members by teaching them re-forestation, conservation, etc.; recognition of 2 res- ponsibility to our Government and the mect- ing of sports-minded people for the fun of getting together, He also stated that observation of the following six points would improve conditions for fishermen end hunters: - (1) Restrictions on hunting, (2) Predatory control, (3) Preservation of game lands, park and game reserves, (4) Jrt- ificial replenishment by re-stocking, (5) Game Farms - from which gcme are released during hunting sexison, and (6) Environment control, Mr. irmstrongis presently working in the field of environment control and spoke on conservation with re-stocking leading the list. He outlined the procedure for obtain- ing fingerlings for re-stocking lakes and streams and leid stress on giving complete details as to: will stocking benefit the lake or stream? Is it spring fed? Has it an outlet and inlet?, as these points are important to the groups responsible for the distribution of fish for re-stocking, (cont. in column 2) Page h ROD & GUN CLUB (cont. from'Column 1) f, group of 10 persons present volunt- eered to hold office in the new organization and within e few days, a meeting of those people will be held to elect the officers and appoint a committee on Constitution, ete, Judging by the smount of interest shown by those present ct this inaugural meeting 2nd the number of enquiries received since then, this new club is in for e. successful future, The Chairman for the meeting was Ossie Dalzell while Jim Rowley acted as Secretary, O-0-0 SOFTBALL HOUSE LE/.GUE The second half of the House Lengue schedule got underwey last Monday night when the Engineering team stopped the high-flying Townsite squad by trouncing them by 2 score of 15-1, The schedule for the second half has been drawn up, showing a Schreiber entry replacing the Pulp Conversion team and cther changes indicating that the balance of games will be played at the new School Diamond on Monday and Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. it present, an effort is being made to stage as many games Sunday as is possible, so as to provide another source of recreation for our fans. i. complete schedule will appear in next week's News, In the meantime, here are the games for tonight and next Thursday June 28th, Schreiber vs Salaried - July 5th, Townsite vs, Salaried, o-0-0 WANTED TO RENT Rooms for young couple. Please contact R, Wright at Hudson's Bay Staff House or Phone 39, FOR SALE Household furniture, fridge, washing machine, rangette, radio, Lazyboy, bedroom suite, etc. Contact T. Cochrane, Schreiber 0-0-0 or phone 37 Schreiber, C maQueO | ~ AML, Bevis coo Ald the fala, WAMU i?'s saier