Terrace Bay Public Library Digital Collections

Terrace Bay News, 8 Feb 1951, p. 3

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QUR MILL 2nd IN ONTARIO WIDE SAFETY CONTEST In tho "big loaguo", Class "A" of 4 Sefoty Contost sponsored by the Onte.rio Pulp end Paper Makers' Safcty Association our mill cndod up in 2nd position with 21 mills compoting. Tho compotition, based on tho exporionce of oneh mill during the entire yoar of 1950, was decided on a Limitod Sovority basis (tho numbor of work days lost per 1000 man hours worked with maximum charge por accident of 26 days). EtG. STANDINGS Scve Mill Location acc .rity E.B. Eddy Ottawe. 7 .06 LongLac Terraco Bay 10,08 Howard Smith Cornwall ek at | Waele MON irs Espanola USE tee Brompton Red Rock 16: ) wid Spruco Falls Kapuskasing 31 623 Alliance Merritton 10 sak Ont2rio-Minn,. Konora Le ye Ontario Papor Thorold 34 pales Abitibi Port Arthur bee ao Great Lakes Fort Willicm Bigs gk Abitibi Sault Ste.Marie 20 EAS Abitibi Smooth Rock 22 eee Marathon Marothon 30 gee Onterio-Minn, Ft. Frances 8 i ae Can, Inter. Hawkesbury ae mor Abitibi Iroquois Falls 64 .33 Beaver Wood Thorold Bee aoe Dryden Paper Dryden is. Provineirl Port arthur A We Hinde & Dauch Toronto 37 39 o-0-0 LEGION LOG Bingo Whon the old alarm clock rings to- morrow night in the Legion Hall, all who are presont will heve tho chance of taking home $40.00, if thoy ean fill 2 lines on 27 enlls. Don't forgot, folks, tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m., and wo intend to run a fow five cont gumes for tho bonefit of the younger sct to ensure it not being too hard on their poeket books, See you all there} Legion Stag, Friday, Februa 23rd Pirns are coming »long woll and we can assure you of 2 good time so keep this evening open, You might be thinking that we are rather secretive about this event, but then agnin that is the main idea and we feel sure the surprise in store is worth writing for, especially for our male popu- lation, Watch the "News" for furthor deve- lopments and prepare for an evening of fun. Page 3 CUB NEVIS The regular mocting will be held in the Armourics at 6:30 p.m, Friday. If thoro is enough snow wo shall heave a toboggan party on Sunday, Fobrusry 18th. Plens aro also boing mado to play a hockey game with tho Sehrcibor Cubs, Moro ebout thet later, 0-0-0 BADMINTON NEWS Thc Torrace Bay Toem journcyed to Mereathon on Sunday, February 4th, and enmo back without tho Hudson's Bay Trophy. Tho Marethon club took an carly lead and held it throughout the day. Final scores, Marathon 12, Schroiber 11 and Torraco 7. Playors roprosonting Torraco were Dot Delzell, Olyve Harrison, Rac Gardinor, Ellon Hodgkiss, Bleanor Poarson, Clarence Buck, Monty Pagot, Frank Maddon and Gord Paget. Glon Beillic acted as official choor loader, Dot and Olyve made a vory good showing against Schreibor end Mearcthon's Ladios Double Teams and at tho ond of tho day's pley, Monty made a poautiful end run from the Roe Hall to tho Station to eatch tho train. Torrance Bay still loads the Loaguo by 3 points but it will nocd 2 win on February 2, to stay thorc., So com on, gang, lot's gct out thore and practice. 0-0-0 NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY MUSIC OF THE WORLD (A History) by Kurt Pahicn. A splondid up-toe-tho-minuto account of music through the agos by one of tho world's foromost musicologists. MONTANA, HERE I BE! by Dan Cushman. This ruggod homespun yarn about a frontior Robin Hood is told with vigor and humor, somo good old=fashionod spoofing, and a groat doal of dash. The oxploits of Comanche John, thc famous roed agont, on the Montana trails of tho 60's will ploxso tho regular Westorn Fans. THY PEOPLE, MY PEOPLE by Elizaboth Hoemborg. An account of the author's life in Germany before, during 2nd aftor tho 2nd World War, Zlizaboth Hoomborg was born in Canadn of English-Canadian paronts, nnd in 1938 marriod » Gormen historian, Dr. Albort Hoomborg and went with him to Gor- many. Tho whole story builds itsclf into a narrative notable for the fine sense of po- liticnl atmosphere possessod by Blizebeth Hocmborg. WINTER WEDDING by Martha Barnhart Harper. A fine family story, with romance aplonty.

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