1 THE GUNNERS COLUMN _ Things are moving right along in the armouries now, We have started off the new year with a bang and each parade night shows improvements all round, The well plenned syllabus that we now have indicates an objective of a well trained -nd discip- lined battery, The days of growing pains, headaches and frustration are now in the ast end we can now settle down to some serious business and a bit of fun, it present we are conducting a class for Junior N.C.0,'s who will eventually be the back-bone of our unit, Wwe are also 'conducting tests of Elementary Training to have our men classed as being trained and consequently reise their wages. Our gun drill has reached the stnrge where the mon are handling the drill by themselves, certainly a step in the right direction, Under the eble direction of our Ges and Chemical Warfare instructor Sgt, Jim Cum- ming we are getting well acquainted with this subject, Ten men will be chosen from the Battery to attend a winter training camp at Esqui- mault, B.C. This should prove to be a niee trip for some lucky guys, Most of the problems have been ironed out in the matter of pay (an important one) and within 2 weeks, a Pay Parade is expected when ell personnel will be paid up till the end of 1950, including the new rates of. pay thet went into effect as of December ist, 1950, that are shown here: Rank Monthly Daily Rate Rate Pte, (EB) 79.00 2.63 Pte. (T) 83,00 eu Tt Pte.(F.G.) 90,00 3.00 Cyl 103,00 3.43 Set . 119.00 3.97 S/Set. 139,00 4.63 WOII 161,00 5.37 o-0-0 NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBR RY RELUCTNT FARMER - by Thane: LIFT UP YOUR HEART --- Sheen: CASES IN COURT - Hastings: I LEAP OVER THE WaulL - Baldwin: PURPLE SSAGE - Hehn: FIVE & TEN (Short Skits for {11 Occasions), COMPLETE PARTY BOOK - Rennasleer, Mrs, R. Scowen has kindly doneted a large number of books to the Library, the names of which cnn be had from the Libra- rian, 0-0-0 Pree 5 LEGION NEWS There will be a general legion meeting in thé Legion Hall on Monday night, '7:30 p.m. Februery 5th, end we shell discuss the general plans for the coming yeer. Members are requested to turn up end bring along all ideas and plans as they will be welcome, ite if ' Legion Bingo Don't forget the Legion "Bingo" coming up next Friday, February 9th, 'The "Snow- ball" is now $40.00 on 27 calls and will be run off when the old alarm clock on the wall rings, Come on out, folks, and try your luck. We'll have to admit that $40,090 won't buy a fur coat (which is badly needed these days) but it would sure help townrds one, See you there! o-0-0 CURLING SCHEDULE (Cont'd from P.4) Seturdey, February 10th 7:00 pem., Ice No. 1 - Johnston vs, Marsh Ice No, 2 - McColl vs. Duncan 9:00 p.em., Ice No. 1 - Pugh vs. Haughn Ice No, 2 -- Pineault vs, Kneuff Monday, February 12th 7:00 pem., Ice No, 1 - Ostling vs. Pugh Ice No, 2 - Craig vs, Pineault 9:00 p.m., Ice No. 1 - Marsh vs. McDonald Tee No. 2 = McColl vs. Baillie Tuesday, February 13th 7300) Dele loa (Noy, 2) Kuautd: vo, bal Vide Ice No. - Haughn vs, Boudrecu 9300) pine. bes) Now. ~ Dunean vs, Dodge Ice No, - Johnston vs, Lohr Boe 0-0-0 TERRACE BAY NEWS, published every Thursday at Terrace Bay, Ontcrio, is devoted to the interests of everyone connected with the LongLac Pulp end Paper Company Limited pro- ject of the Kimberly-Clark Corporation, fll items for publication must be in the hands of the Editor by noon on Wednesday of each week, Kindly submit all articles and address all sommunicctions to: O, Ry Dal zetl «editor 0-9-0