LONGLiAC CENTURY CLUB Vakonainee as of midnight, Jnnuary 31st, 1951, Comprised of all units with 100 or more consecutive safe days without an on- duty disabling injury.) Tied Units are Listed .ccording to Size Unit Safe Days 1, Administration Office 811 2, Hoven, 811 3. Blectriceal 811 4. Technical Dept. 811 5. Warehouse 811 6, Bleachery 811 7. Hospital 811 &, Steam and Recovery 778 9. Dig, Bry Stock and Screens O37 10, Buildings and Grounds 538 11. Machine Room 405 12, Jackladder (Seasonal) 396 13, structural 334 14. Kiln, Caustic and Evaps. 259 15. Wood Room 228 16, Service Operntions 216 17. Mechanical sie 18, Wood Yard 133 In The Dog House (Reserved for Units with less than 100 consecutive safe days), 1. Pipefitters 25 2. Engineering Office 23 0-0-0 CURLING SCHEDULE (Cont'd from P, 1) Saturday, Februnry 3rd 7:00 p.m., Ice No. 1 - Ostling vs. Duncan Tee No, 2 = Pugh vs. Bailite 9:00 p.m., Ice No. 1 -- Pineault vs. Johnston Ice No, 2 - Olsen vs. Boudreau Monday , February 5th Ice No. 1 - Lohr vs, Dodge Ice No. 2 - Haughn vs. Baillie Ice No. 1 - McDonald vs, Olsen Ice No. 2 = MeColl vs. Duncan F200. DP ete ly GOO" Delle. Tuesday, February 6th 7:00 p.m., Ice No, 1 - Craig vs. Pugh Ice No. 2 - Pineault vs. McDonald Ice No. 1 - Ostling vs, Lohr Ice No, 2 - Marsh vs. Boudreau 9:00 p.m., Thursday, February 8th 7:00 p.m., Ice No. 1 - Craig vs. Boudreau Ice No. 2 - Dodge vs. Ostling Tee No. 1 = McColl vs. Lohr Ice No. 2 -- Johnston vs, Olsen (Cont td. on P.5) 900 pels; Pees vy IT'S NEVER TOO Li.TE Friday night at 9:00 p.m, in the Schreiber Arena this statement will be proved when a.combined Office Staff hockey teem will trke ono "stacked" team from the Meintenance, Structural, Services and whnat- have-you, in a game of hockey. Respective conches Joe Wig and Johnny Gross have made claims and counter-claims as to the merits (and de-merits) of their teems, Johnny won't divulge his strategy for that night but Joe, who is still trying for a 3 goal "spot", says the "Celery" boys will play 'Kitty-bar-the-Door" style of hockey, With this strategy in mind Joe has Dave "Broda* McDonald in goal and no less than 14 defence- men lined up and Glen Baillie as stick-boy (he'll probably be moving fastest that night). We understand the losers are going to foot the bill for the ice as well as anything else they can be stuck for. Garrity's - maybe we got the name wrong - will be doing a thriving business both before and after the geme, Why not come in that night and join the rooters}!t Team Line-Ups as Follows:- Manager - J, Gross, Esq.; Goal - (Engle- eye) Falzetta, J.; Defense - (Hi Ball) Mikus, J.3 (Flash) Parrent, J.; (woody) Craig, M. Forwards ~ (Sliver) Sernesky, B; (Stenmer) Hemilton, Scotty; (Snips) Allen, N.; (Pre- cision) Woods, E.; (Skinner) Delaronde, J.}3 (Splash) Cummings, J.; (Shocky) Stewart, Phil; SPARE - (Anvil) Nelson, E, ' Team Referee - (Slim) Dorman; Coach - Jinm (Scotty) Corrigan, ' Coach - Joe (Big Chief) Wig; Goal - Dave (Scresmer) MecDonald; Defense - Murdo (Meat) Campbell; Joe (Pontiac) Heenan; Neil (Curly) Ross; Verl (Curly II) Thompson; Ron (#) Seed; Bill (Mr, anthony) Borsum; Paul (Scrounger) Boudreau; Ed (D.P.) Brady; Eldon (10%) Merostica; Ozzie (Snooper) Dalzell; Harold (Mush) Marsh; Bob (Fix-it ) Sheppard; John (Shyster) Jeanneret; Harold (Cinders) Saunders; Stick-Boy - Glen (Mail- bag) Baillie. 0-0-0 BADMINTON NEWS The club team will journey to Mar-thon on Sundcy, February 4th, to play the 3rd tournament in the series, From all reports this should be the best yet! Terrace Bay is now in the lead and has retained posse- sion of the H.B.C. Trophy from the start, but news has been received that both Marcthon . and Sehreiber are really going to try to take it away from us, Are we going to let them? Stcndings to date in the NSBL are: Terrace Bay-293; Schreiber - 22; Marathon - 9. <Any persons wishing to accompany the tenm are most welcome to do so,