Volume 5, 50 Pe HA aeAR TO ALL "POS TAL "SERVICE Is. EXCELLENT - Onee again this year, 'ear, the Post Office staff has shown that they ean combine cour- tesy and efficiency during the hectic Christmas season. The "News" joins the rest of the Community in saying thenks for a tough job well done. 0-0-0 GARAGE HOURS Patrons are asked to please note that the Terrace Motors garage will be open from 10:00 a.m. till 12:00 noon and from 2 p.m. till 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, but will be closed all day New Year's Day. In case of emergency service, please Dial 19 or call at House #206. o-0~o BOWLING ALLEY HOURS Please note that the Alleys will close at 5:00 p.m, on Saturday, December 30th., and will remain closed until 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 2nd. 0-0-0 The Editor of the 'News wishes to take this opportunity of thanking 211 those who contributed in one way or enother during the year, to help mke our little paper worthwhile. Along with these thanks, goes the wish to readers everywhere for the Most Prosperous and Happy New Year of all time. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY December 28, 1950 Se NEW. GRORGE COULTER RETURNS TO KAP. Local residents will bid a sad adieu to one of the Town's aldest residents (in terms of citizenship, that is) when George Coulter, the genial manager of the Imperial Bank, - returns to Kap that he knows so well. When George came to Terrace Bay in 1946, the town wasn't very far past the stage of a plan on a drafting table. So, in a sense, he might well be called one of our real pioneers. During his stay here, George has been 4 real asset to the Community. He has served as a Trustee on our Improvement District Board, was one of the original members of the Community Church Board, the Masonic Lodge, the Kiwanis Club and has held office un numerous other projects around the Town. When George takes his good wife Marg to Kap next week, Terrace Bay's loss will most certainly be Kapuskasing's gain. Good luck to you both! George's position at the Bank will be | filled by Mr. Pugh who will be coming to us from Sudbury, to whom we extend a hearty welcome, } q 0-0-0 CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity of expressing my real thanks to those indi- viduals and organizations who so greatly assisted me during my recent illness, Cyril Brewster.