i INGE Cue Plans for the opening of the 1950-51 Gurling Season arc well under way, and the ice should be roady to start the opening Bonspiel around the 15th of December, The exact date will be published in next week's "News", Curling enthusiasts have a treat in store for them this winter, with such added comforts as: Club House Snack Bar facilities, better seating arrangements, steam heat, etc., etc. So contact any of th the three Membership Committee members, Jim Duncan, Tom Latour, or Bill Baillie and let's get going!!! ' When you have to get rid of something what do you do? Of course, you throw it out, Well, that's what is going to happen at the New Year's Evo Frolic being put on by the Curling Club. Old Man 1950 gots the boot and 1951 is wolcomed with a BANG!!! Watch your "News" for all tho details but start planning your party now! THIS WILL BE THE BIG EVENT OF THE YE..R. The lady curlers about town had a meet- ing at the home of Mrs, Jessop on Nov. 20th and clected 'the following officers: Pres- Mrs. Coulter, Vice Pres. - Mrs. Jessop, Sec'y Tres. - Irene Edmond, Exec. Com. - Miss E. Orlando, Mrs, Ostling and Mrs, Lindskoog,. it an exocutive mocting on December 6th, at the home of Mrs. Coulter the name of aguasabon Ladics Curling Club was adopted. 4A motion was passed thnt an effort be made to secure trophies for the club, Owing to the resignation of Mrs. Coulter, Mrs, Lindskoog wis elccted to fill the vacancy of Vice- President, «ny ladies interested in curling, who have not been elready contacted are re- quested to get in touch with any member of the executive, 0-0-0 EASTERN STL..R CH.PTER IS FORMED Terrace Bay will be honoured with a' visit by the Worthy Grand Metron Mrs. Pearl McDonald and Worthy Grand Patron Mr, Ted Phillips and other worthy Grand Officers and visitors for the institution of Silver Birch Chapter No. 264 U.D. Order of the Eastern Star, to be held in Terrace Bay Community Church nt 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Decomber 9th 0-0-0 Page 5 TOWNSITE SERVICES Now that a Townsite Manager has been appointed, questions have been asked re- garding who to contact with respect to housing in the town, Tenants requiring repairs or work to be done will follow the same procedure as heretofore, which is to call local mill telephone 33, Questions of policy and matters other than routine requests may be re- ferred @irect to the Townsite Manager, Mr, Paul Walker at local Mill telephone 24, fpplications for houses or garages Shall be made to the Services and Safety Supervisor Mr, Fred Soughton at the Personnel Office, 0-0-0 LONGL/.C CENTURY CLUB (Standings as of midnight, December 6, 1950 Comprised of all units with 100 or more con- secutive safe days without an on duty dis- abling injury. Tied Units aro Listed According to Size Unit Safe Days 1. administration Office Yoo 2. Hotel 755 3. Electrical 755 4. Technical Dept. 755 5. Warehouse 755 6. Bleachery 755 7. Engineering Office 755 8, Hospital 755 9. Steam and Recovory Wee 10.Dig. Br. Stock and Sercons 581 11.Buildings and Grounds 482 12.Machine Room 349 13.Jackladder(Seasonnl) 340 1,,.Structural 278 . 15.Kiln, Caustic and Evaps, 203 . 16.Wood Room 172 17.Pipefitters 163 18,Service Operations 160 19.Mechanical 116 In The Dog House (For units with less than 100 safe days) 1, Woodyard Te 0-0-0 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs, Knauff, 131 Poplar Cres-~ cent on Thursday December 14th at 8:15 Pem. «an interesting Christmas Programme has been planned, If all the tickets on the pictures are sold before this date the draw will take place for the Petit Point pictures, 4ll members are asked to attend this mecting and all new members will be welcome r 0-0-0