| A aA ANE NANO 2 RE OE EE NE A LEL OTE, SES RET MORRIE TORRE EOE RT SERS ORI 8S tT Ee RENN TL MPS i, erent Sgt volume 5, 34 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY September 7, 1950 iagton Loe On Saturday night, Sept. 9th, the Legionneires are again putting on one of their Bingos, Efforts are being made to have this Bingo even more successful than the last one and some new ideas have been : popping. Firstly, to make it more econom- ical for the average person, the following | scale of charges hay been set up. Admittance will be $1.00 per person and this will entitle each person to two cards for the evening without any further payment. If additional cards are required, they will be sold at 25¢ cach for the balance of the evening. It is hoped to maintain prizes as big' if not bigger than last time and then, of course, there will be free special prizes - another beautiful electric kettle which must be won by some lucky person in the hall. And now also the Snowball. You will hear all about this at the Bingo and it will be worth winning. The Place is the Legion Hall. The time is 8:00 pm. sharp. The date is Sat. September 9th, Be on time and get your full dollar's worth of fun and maybe a prize. Shall we look for you on Saturday | night for Bingo at the Legion Hal1???????? Oa NEW HOSPITAL IS APPROVED i Advice has been received that approv-' al has been given for the construction of 2 new modern hospital to be erected in the Townsite. The new structure will be locat- ed just south of the junction of Kenogami. Road and Cartier Ave., just cast of the Hotel, The new building when completed, will be ultra modern in every respect and will accommodate in excess of 20 beds, No effort will be spared to make this new building a real credit to this attractive Little Community of ovrs. The design is now complete and it is expected that conctruction will start carly next svrings ORCHESTRA NAME CONTEST At a recent meeting of the Recreation Committce it was decided to conduct 2 contest to find a suitable name for our new local orchestra. This contest is open to all LongLac employees and all residents of the Townsite. A handsome prize will be awarded to the person winning the contest. As the contest closes on Monday, September 25th, at 12:00 noon, all entries being sub- mitted must be in one of the two boxes located in the Bay or at the Mill Time Clocks by that date, Another item in connection with the orchestra that was discussed at the same meeting was the booking of dates for the orchestra. In future when the reservation for the Recreation Hall is being made through the Recreation Office, arrange- ments are to be completed for the booking of the orchestra at the same time. Pay- ments for both the hall and the orchestra are also to be made to the Recreation Office, All local organizations are asked to please note these changes. DON'T FORGET TO SUBMIT YOUR CHOICE OF A NAME FOR THE ORCHESTRA AND MAKE IT GOOD, Be as TERRACE BAY RETAINS TROPHY In the big baseball game of the year which has been sct as an annual affair, Terrace Bay defeated Kap 6-3 on Lakour Day to re- tain the Pulpwood Trophy for another year. As a courtesy gesture the boys left the trophy in Kap for a little while to let them gaze at it fondly and build up their hopes that sometime they may keep it for one whole year. From all accounts it was quite a game and the boys enjoyed their trip and the Kap hospitality. Our boys scored all their runs carly in the game and never relinquished the lead, When tis trophy is returned by Kap, it will be placed in a public place for all to adr