THE BEST SiFUTY DEVICE IS JUST zBOVE E/.CH MAN'S EARS In writing a "squib" for this week's Terrace Bay News, related to accident pre- vention, it is probably important that we should again stress something which is over- looked too often, In the minds of many, a good accident prevention progremme is one which stresses the elimination of mechanical hazards and plays an important role, is Good Housekeep- ing around the Mill. Such factors are cer- tainly of velue, but there is nnother phese of accident prevention which is much more important since it is directly relxted to the enuse behind et lenst 90% of 11 indus- trial accidents todey. It has to do with the human frilings which are the root of the overwhelming m. jority of on-the-job injuries. Carelessness, thoughtlessness, failure to wear protective equipment, non-observation of Mill Rules related to Safety, all these and many other "human hazards*® are our biggest obstacles in the path of a really imposing safety record, free from the many : Page 5 AROUND THE TOWN Mr. & Mrs. F. B. Thompson and daughter Jane of Winnipeg paid a visit to Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boudreau. The grand-parents were delighted at seeing their new grandson and renewing acquaintances with other friends here in Terrace Bay. o-0-0 We have reports that the heaviest man on the Electrical Staff (clue: he owns two enrs) is now leaving fresh-cut garden flowers on his Foreman's desk!! To quote Shekespeare:- "Where there's a will there's @ way". 0-0-0 NOTICE In addition to the regular hours, the Bevernge Room in the South Camp will be open from 2:00 till 5:00 p.m. on Labour Day, Monday, September 4th. 0-0-0 FOR RENT One furnished bedroom, also kitchen privileges. Young couple preferred. Apply to House No. 51. 0-0-0 evils which accompany 211 disabling injuries. Lost Let's mke no mistake about the fact that the best of all safety devices is to be found just 2xbove each man's ears, Every- one is urged to make the most of this fact, for by so doing, the vast majority of all eur .ecifents can be eliminated. te) ae 0-0-0 Ronson Lighter in vicinity of Snack Bar and Beverege Room, Finder please return to Room 30, Dorm. 108. Terrace Bay News, published weekly at Terrace Bay, Ontario is devoted to the interests of everyone connected with the LongLac Pulp and Paper Company Limited projeet of Kimberly- Clark Corporation. Kindly submit 211 articles and address all communications to Os: iy (Dataen: