Page 3 GUB NES aA very successful Wolf Cub Camp was held et White Sand Lake when 29 boys and their 2 leaders, along with the Scout Master as cook, set up camp on July 9th and broke up on the 13th, tired but happy. Sincere thanks are extended to all who Sunday, July 23rd,10;00 aem. sorvico assisted in eny way. ; conducted by Rev. Arthur Lavender, sermon 4. lost and found department has been topic will be "Christianity ~ Has It Your set up, so if any Cubs have any clothing yote?" 4 welcome to all visitors in the that doesn't belong to them or have lost community to attend this servico. Full some article at Camp, please attend the attendence of all adheronts to the Community meeting at the frmouries on Friday and be Church urged. prepared to get squared off. The attention of all readers of the 0-0-0 Board of Stewards is directed to tho notico BOXES FOR NEWS ITEMS (Gont "a for P, 5} of a meeting of the Board to be held at the home of C. % Paget, 69 Laurier ivenuc, at had a baby, celebrated a birthday, won a 8:30 pom. Sunday evoning, July 23rd. Every contest, had an operation, saw or did any~ member should be presont in view of the thing out of the ordinary, please let's several important items to be under discu- hear about it. ssion at this mecting. 0-0-0 o-0=-0 THE GREAT FURZE COMES ON eee ace (Membership restricted to units heaving not Terrace Bay. This should prove to be a real less than 100 safe days without an on-duty treat for adults and children alike, espe- disabling lost-time accident.) cially the kiddics. Tho show will start sharp In Case of Ties at 8:00 pem. and will last for cpproximately Largest Units are Listed First 2 hours, Price of tickots will be .50¢ for ee i Safe Days adults and .25¢ for children, 1. {Gministration Office 2 2. Hotel 615 0-0-0 3. Technical Department 615 COTTAGE FOR SLE at walker's Lake. Furni- 4, 'arehouse 615 shed, 4 rooms, Sereened- 5. Bleachery 615 in verandah, garage, 60-foot water frontage. 6, Electrical 615 Surveyed, For further particulars, phone 7, Engineering Office 615 Terrace Bay, Dial 97. 8, Hospital 615 0-0-0 9. Steam & Recovery 582 FOR SLE Double burner hot plete - Calrod 10. Digest., Br.Stock & Sereens | Add Eloment, Cream colourcd baby ll, Woodyard 42 carriage - good condition. Apply 180 Hudson 12, Building & Grounds 34.2 Drive. 13. Machine Room 209 FOR S/LE New 54 wooden bedstoad - sanded 14, Structural 138 - ready for painting, $7.00, Tom Williscroft, IN THE DOG HOUSE Hotel Terrace. wa (Reserved for units with 0-0-0 less then 100 safe days) TERRACE BAY NEWS, published weekly at Terrace 1. Mechanical r 96 Bay, Ontario, is dovoted to the intcrests 2. Kiln, Caustic & Eveps. 63 of overyone connected with the LongLac Pulp 3. Jackindder 50 and Paper Company Limited project of Kim- 4. Wwoodroom 3h, berly Clark Corporstion. Kindly submit all 5. Pipefitters 23 articles and address all communicntions to: 6, Service Operations 20 Os Re: Dalzels Ono