Masses will be held at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 2nd, Please note that there will be no evening devotions, At the June meeting of the Ladiest Guild which was held at the home of lirs, mu. Semeniuk, the following slate of Officers was elected to hold office for the 1950-51 term:- President - Mrs, RB. Cavanaugh; Vice- President - Mrs. R. Faust; Secretary - Mrs, J. Falzetta; Treasurer - Mrs, Joe wig; Mem- bership - Mrs. D. Boudreau; Sick Visiting - Mrs. J. Corrigan and Publicity - yrs. 1. McInnes, After the eveningts business was completed, lunch was served by Mrs. Semeniuk: assisted by Mrs. Cc. Knauff, The Guild raffled off a bicycle at the Red Rock-Terrace Bay softball game on Sunday. The bike was won by Father Roenecke, nuff saids!t o-O-o ANNE WALLI® TO LEAVE TERRACE BAY It is with deep reg« ret that we say good-bye to another of our old-timers, anne Wallie of the Materials Department is Ieaving us for the bright lights of. 'the big city, after 3% years of service with the company in Terrace Bay. Anne was the Second office girl to be employed by LongLac Pulp and Paper Company in Terrace Bay; She. was the first female employee Department, She will be missed greatly for her willingness to help and her ability to help organize the various social activities that she has displayed in her stey here, She has served on the Executive of the Badminton and Tennis Clubs, past geereta- ry of the st. Martin's Ladies! guild, Secre-~ tary of the Social Club, one of the first organizations in Terrace Bay. She is also a Charter Member of the curling Club, In short, she has been a great asset to this growing Community and we are all very sorry to see her go. Best of luck to you in your new venture, Anne, and we shrill be looking forw-rd to a visit from you in the not too distrnt futuro, in the Materials Page 2 Congratulations to Mr. and lirs, Bob Burella on the arrival of a baby girl on June 24th, The Malcolm Craigs now have 4 boys, since June 24th, Looks like Malcolm will soon have a complete Cub Peck of his own}!! 0-0-0 LT THY MOVIES Saturday, July lst - "BLONDIE HITS THE JACK- POT" starring Penny Singleton and jrthur Lake, Another hila- rious comedy based on the well-known comic strip. Tuesday, July 4th - "SINGAPORE" starring Fred MacMurray and Ava Gardner, The story of adventure-toeming Singapore, 4 city without a conscience, o-0-0 KAP BALL TEAM HERE SATURDAY As you will : note clsewhere in the Nows, tho baseball team is coming down from Kapuskasing to take on our local nine in their first gare of the seasons The boys have beon practising hard for this game and if present form is any indication, we are jn for a swell exhibition of baseball on Saturday afternoon at the South Camp | diamond; So let's gct out there and give the boys somo real vocal support: o-0=0 The old swimming hole over at the Hydro Dem has undergone a great doal of improvement «nd should be ready in a fow days, 4 grand beach has been bull-dozed for the kiddies and a high and a low board is being installcd to take care of the diving cnthusiasts. 4, eat-walk boom is being installed around a designated area that will have propor supervision and instruction at poriods that will be publicizcd just as soon as a few wrinkles are ironed out. SWIMMING OOO FOUND Two Baby Dolls = Apply House No. 108, Mrs. Turner. WEEK'S SAFETY SLOGAN sees ne cece 48 the Safety Slogan was missed again last week, the slogan is new worth #15 .00