Volume 5, No, 10 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY Mareh 23, 1950. a Ce ee eR mR Ae | RG A RT ee NN Ge a A CE RE EN RA A A Re a ET RR ee SPECIAL MOVIE NIGHT Under sponsorship of St, Martin's Men's Club, arrangements are pre- sently being completed, whereby a special showing of Religious Tech- nicolour films will be made to the public on Thursday evening, March 30th at 7:30 p.m. An effort is also being made to have additional Technicolour films shown dealing with handi- crafts or some related subject, Admission will he by silver collection enly. Wateh next week's News for full details and be sure to keep that date epen, O=0-0 RED CROSS 'The local Red Cross Drive has reached 63% of its objective of $1,000.00. Velun- teer workers and Campaign Chairman are confident that Terrace Bay ean and will go "over the top", but to do so we must pull hard in the remaining days of the Campaign. "Give Generously - Giwe frem the Heart", 0-0-0 LIBRARY NEWS The Library is open from 2 - 4 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays and from 7 - 9 Pem, On Tuesdays and Thursdays. Any adult resident of Terrace Bay is entitled to take out one biok free of charge, with a two week limit, after which a daily fine of 2 cents per day will be imposed, 0-0-0 DANGEROUS PLAYGROUND The ©.P.R. Station Agent wishes it brought to the attention of all parents that the station platform is the mest dangerous playground that can be found, A large number of small children, some of pre-school age are making a habit ¢f wandering down there to play. To date there have heen a few near accidents and it is fasred that if this practice does not cease we may have a couple of tragedies. Please warn the children not to play near the station, 0-0-0 NEXT WEEK'S SAFETY SLOGAN 8:00 a.m, March arch 27%h t to 8:00 « 00 GsMs - April 3rd LC A A A A RE eR "BE ALERT SO YOU WON'T GET HURT" a te ere te a a Nene nae ee ee i ------. tr ee | RS eR ee Last week, Kay Biesenthal of the Administration Office found herself the winner of $20.00 in the Slogan Contest when she was able to recite the slogan correctly, Congratula- tions, Kay: It's not often that the Administration Office has an opportunity to "score", A-O-~ a a This big event is being held on Friday, eaten TS .. March 24th in the Teen Town Club Rooms te ia a A aur tiy KR aR i (next to the Bowling Alleys), There are Nie wre Muubaa eek, "s, sittings at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m and a \ SEVERYBODY'S_GOINC GOING TO THE FISH Fry) )% sell-out at both sittings is just about ts in assured, Persons desiring tickets at the PEARCE IE tenga eh tier Thy are (it last minute should contact any Kiwanis an gee itt ame nee Club member who will be able to find out Ry tee ay. if any tickets remain unsold, It is not expected that any tickets will be avail- able at the door. Proceeds will assist the Kiwanis Club of Terrace Bay to build up funds to be used in various proposed community projects.