Volume 5, No. 8 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY March 9, 1950. EDUCATION WEEK IS OBSERVED AT SCHOOL As part of the program of National Education Week the Terrase Bay School held epen house en Tuesday evening, March 7th when the general public was given an eppertunity of viewing some very fine work of the children which was on display in the various roems, In co-operation with the school in the observance of Education week the Kiwanis Club of Terrace Bay sponsered a hobby fair which created a surprising amount of interest and revealed considerable talent ef a very high order within the confinesa of our cvympara- tively small community. Many ef the exhibitors also gave demonstrations of craft and answered numereus questiens with which they were plied by enthusiastic spectators, The Kiwanis Club expresses its sincere appreciation to all who in any way contribu- ted to the success of this first hobby show to be held in Terrace Bay. Those exhibiting and demonstrating their werk were: Mrs. Scewen, assisted by Jane Porter and Valerie McDonald, shell work; Mrs, H. Goodfellow, petit point work; Mrs, P, Rapke, wood carving; Mrs. H. Boudreau, paintings; Stan Hedgkiss, wood work; R. F, Williams, wood work; Bert Lohr, radio work; Ken Hutchinson, leather work; Sue Lumbers and Benito Smith, leather work; coloured photography, Albert Cadieux; R. Wills, rug making; Bert Laundy, chip carving; Dr. J. Shaunessy, making of toys from scrap wood and plaster ef paris; Jack Shaunessy, coins and bills sf foreign countries; W. M. Vanatter, stamps; Fred Seughton, gems and jewelry; Bob Sheppard, model building, It is the hope of those sponsering this show that many ether citizens of the com- munity will be encouraged to take up some hobby so that a similar show, but on a much larger scale may be held at' some future date, 0-0-0 KIWANIS NOTES At the regular meeting of the Kiwanis Club ef Terrace Bay, held en Tuesday evening, March the 7th, the guest speaker was Mr. Ken Hutchinson of the: Schreiber continuation schoel staff. Mr. Hutchinson spoke en "What it moans to be a Kins- man and in the course of his address sketched the growth ef the Kinsman's Club in Schreiber. .Mr. Hutchinson is president of the Schreiber Kinsman's Club. Members of the Pee Wee Hockey League were given a special treat last Sunday after- noen when they attended the Port Arthur - Schreiber heckey game in Schreiber, as guests ef the Kiwanis Club, The Kiwanis Club wishes to express its thanks te the follewing for pro- viding transpertation to and from the game: Don Boudreau, Harold Marsh, Bill Borsum, Gerd Rowlandson, Don Porter and Ralph Shemanski, 0-0-9 KEEPING PACE WITH THE STORK The boys around the office have really been smoking Corena- Coronas this past weck, Jee ("ya got my cheque?) Heenan became the proud pappy of a baby boy on Sunday, while Fred (What's the Safety Slogan?") Soughton is the father of a seven pound daughter on Wednesday. Congratulations to the proud parents! 0-0-0 NEXT WEEK'S SAFETY SLOGAN 8:00 a.m. March 13th to 8:00 a.m. March 20th "USE YOUR HEAD AND DON'T TAKE CHANCES" Last week, Ed Aho ef the Pulp Department missed the slogan and $10.00,