Page 4 AT THE MOVIES Operated by Alcana Theatres Ltd, Shows at 7:15 p.m, on evenings crieioaboe. Fri, and Sat., Feb, 24th and e5th - "INTERRUPTED JOURNEY" starring Valerie Hobson and Richard Todd. Mon; and Tues,, Feb. e7th and 8th - "BEHIND THE GREEN LIGHT" starring Carol Landis, Fri. and Sat., March 3rd and 4th - "THE SMALL VOICE", Coming Soon = "THE SNAKE PIT" -- watch the News and posters for playing date, o-0-0 ATTENTION PLRENTS Your attention is drawn to section 9 of the Theatres Act which reads "\ child under the age of sixteen years unaccompanied by an adult shall not be permitted to attend any exhibition by cinematograph, moving picture machine or other similar apparatus for admission to which a fee is charged." The management of the local movié house wish to advise all concerned that the fore- going will be strictly enforced by them, 0-0-0 HELP WANTED FEMLLE Applicants for work as room maid or waitress at Hotel Térrace please contact either E, Veitch at Mill Employment Office or J, Macdonald at Hotel Terrace, Will consider local Townsite applicants who may be granted living out privileges with corresponding board allowances. Vacancy exists at present for one room maid, y o-0-0 LONGLAC SAFETY RECORD (as of Wednesday, February 22, 1950) Safe days since last disabling lost-time accident ' 62 (Record 130 days) Man-hours since last disabling lost-time accident 217,000 (Record 470,000 man hours) Frequency Rate for 1948 Redo Frequency Rate for 1949 13.76 Frequency Rate since Aug 13/49 1.47 Frequency Rate, 1950 to date 0,0 0-0-0 COMMUNITY CHURCH COLUMN On Sunday, February 26th (first Sunday in Lent) at 11:00 a.n., ' Rev, A. F. Lavender has chosen as his sermon topic "Getting a Boost Out of our Knocks", Throughout Lent the minister will preach a series of sermons at the evening services on "Faces Around the Cross", Boy Scouts and Cubs will be in attendance at the morning service next Sunday, Par- ents of these fine youths of the Community are urged to come along to this service. Every Protestant in the Community is invited to attend the Social Evening being ° hold ia tho Genmunity Church Building on Friday evening next, February 29th at 8:30 peme We have been fortunate in securing moving picture films of the pioneer and construction days of Terrace Bay, These will be of real interest to all. Light refreshments to be served, Terrace Bay Community Church Ladies! Auxiliary will hold a monster card party (bridge and court whist) in the dining room of Hotel Terrace, Friday, March 1Oth, The ladies of the Committee will canvass the Townsite with tickets (.75¢ per person), Ow mO HOCKsY NEWS Terrace Bay Rockets played their hearts out at Schreiber lasb Saturday, but ended up on the short end of a 5 = 3 decision, At the end of the 2nd period Schreiber was up 1 = 0 but in the 3rd, the power which has driven them on to the North Shore League championship began to show, and the 5 = 3 score finally was our lot as the final bell sounded, Sunday afternoon we played hosts to the Fort William Highways Department team, and in a very fast clean game (without even a penalty to Ganja) a 2 - 2 tie was régistered, | This game was played at the local open air ice cushion in the South Camp area, We're try- ing to line up a game with Nipigon to be played at Schreiber Arena, and posters will be put up as soon as a definite date is set, o=O0-0