Page & ails SCU HAVING FURNACA '"icUbLI? To ensure maximum efficiency in your' furnace, it should be kept clean, Prompt attention should be given to the cleaning of the hot air chamber, Any tenant who wishes to have their furnace cleaned by the Company should call the Company's local telephone #33. A charge of $2,00 will be made for this services. o-0-0 . SAFETY SLOGAN Bert Lohr "knew what day it was'! when asked the Safety siapn last week, so he took home the $25,001!" ~ 0-0-0 LEGION AUXILIARY Ladies of the Legion Auxiliary are reminded of the very important Initiation and Installation ceremony at the home of Mrs. E, Knauff, 131. Poplar Crescent on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7th at.8:15 P.M, There will be guests from Schreiber that evening aad thus all members must attend. The Initiation Ceremony is an important must for all Ladies of the Auxiliary and a special invitation is also extended to all other eligible Ladics of Terrace Bay who wish to join the Auxiliary, DO NOT FORGET - MRS 6 E. KNAUFF, 131 POPLAR CRESCENT TUESDAY' FEBRUARY 7th. 0-0-0 CUB NEWS The regular Cub moeting will be held in the Legion Hall on Friday, February 3rd at 6330 Pelle. At the last meeting, Sterling Brewster passed his Knot test. Claude Boudreau won his end stripe and is now Sixer of the blue Six, Jimmy Erickson is now Seconder of the Rex Six and several of the Cubs are working on their Second Star tests. 0-0-0 BO. SCOUT NEWS Sunday, January 22 a happy event took place when six Scouts were entcr- tained at dinner at Hotel Terrace by Scoutmaster-Mason Dixon and Asst,' My Harota Hall.. Scouts attending, all members of the Beaver Patrol, were Billy Marsh, ae Smith,. T,. MeInnes, J. Sweet, Ray Husband and R, .iicKay, The dinner took the form of a reward cin the Patrol gaining the biggest number of points during the last four months of 1949, If the groans meant anything, the dinner was a success,.Tkanks are extended to lir, John Macdonald and his dining room staff. 0-0-0 BADTINTON NEWS <A very enjoyable time was spent on Saturday, January 28 when 24 members of the Marathon Badminton Club accepted our invitation to come to Terrace Bay for an evening of Badminton, The group was brought from the train to the Bowling Alloys whore they displayed their skill until such time as the Recreation Hall. was free. Then © Badainton began in earnest, Our Club turned out very well to give them keen competition, Congratulations are in order for Anne Wallie and Gord Paget for doing such a swell job of organizing the games, | Lunch was served at midnight in the Teen Town Club Rooms and while some resumed their badminton game, others took part in square dances organized by Monty Paget, All in all it was a very successful evening and ald the members of the Club are to be congratu- lated for their co-operation, We also wish to thank Teen Town for the use of their Club Rooms, record-player and records, Marathon have extended an invitation to us to go down on i'ebruary 18th for badminton in the afternoon and a party in the evening - returning on the 1:00 am. train, Are you in favour? If so, come out to badminton on Wednesday and leave your name with one of the exe ecutive so we will have some idea of how many will be going down, We also need to go out and practice so we can give them some real competition, There are still two Wednesdays berore the 18th so come on, Club and let's see if we have as much keen spirit among our members as. has the Marathon Club, We can't let them think they can walk off with all the laurels. It was suggested by their Club president that we have a tournament between the two towns - are you interested? Well - more of that on Wednesday night} 0-0-0 VA VALSNTINE BALL Third Annual Valentine Ball sponsored by. Terrace Bay Hockey Association - Friday evening, February 10th, Dancing 10:00 p.m, to 1:30 a.m. Tickcts le75 per 'couple, available after Friday next from all Hockey players. Admissions also may be purchased at the Recreation Hall the evening of the dance', Make up a party for the first big "night out" since New Year's...