eee a Volume 5, No, 4 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY a - a ee ape en ee eR ae LL SSL ERR EPEC NN Etats te atienansolasLoag senepsineahaoempentgsancee-aith-a-at-_a-nh-ngns msmcumatntsbnenisinonnesaicaen cae con snno KUWANIS CLUB RECEIVES CHARTER The recently formed Kiwanis © Charter Night program on Tuesday evening, January 25th at Hotel Terrace. ' Proceedings got under way with a dinner presided over by President Bert Laundy .» Following the dinner the President called on Bill Abercrombie to introduce the master of ceremonies, Jack McCullough of Winnipeg, Lieutenant Governor for Western Canada district. The Lieutenant Governor expressed his pleasure at being present and extended a very sincere invitation to local Kiwanians to attend the district convention to be held in Winnipeg next summer. i ! ! Dr. Ken Vickers introduced the guests of the evening: Mr. and Mrs, Don Porter, Mr. and lirs Verne Hopper, Invited guests unable to be present were Mr. Ken Hutchinson, Presi-~ dent of the Schreiber Kinsmen club and Mrs, Hutchinson and Father Roenicki, With Fred Soughton at the piano, Bill Delaney led thé gathering in some rousing community singing, entered into very lustily by all present. Visitors from the Lakehead and other points were warmly welcomed by Vice-President Lorne Woodard, The toast to the ladies'was ably proposed by Charlie Cloutier, President of the Port Arthur, Fort William club, This toast was responded to in a very gracious manner by Mrs. Bert Laundy, 4 - Tom Kernahan, Past President of the Port Arthur, Fort William Club, the sponsoring club, was then called on to present to the Terrace Bay club certain gifts from other Kiwanis clubs. The sponsoring club's gift was a very beautiful Kiwanis banner, From the Winnipeg club came an American flag; from the Saint Boniface club, a speaker's stand; from the Hast Kildonan club, standards for the flags. Tom Kernahan personally presented the newly formed club with a gavel and a gong, Allan Piper, president of the Fort William Club, on behalf of his club presented the Terrace Bay club with a Canadian flag, he also passed on to the new born club a very suggestive token of its babyhood, On behalf of the Terrace Bay club, secretary Al McColl received the gifts and in a few bright and breezy remarks thanked all who had made presentations, The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the charter to the Terrace Bay club by Harry A, Irving, Governor of Western Canada division, In a full orbed speech the Governor described the privileges, duties and accomplishments of Kiwanis and urged all ° members of the Club to give of their utmost to promote the aims and purposes of Kiwanis, In accepting the charter, President Bert Laundy thanked the Governor for his address. expressed appreciation to the sponsoring club and stated that although the Terrace Bay club might be only a small link in Kiwanis he was confident that that link had been well fa- shioned, During the evening Don Dow sang two Scotch songs, he was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. W. H. Goodman of Fort William, The program closed with the singing of "My Country 'tis of Thee!" and "The National Anthem", j Following the program a few hours were spent in dancing and other entertainment at the Legion Hall, 0-0-0 PORT ARTHUR BEARCATS vs, TERRACE BAY - SCHREIBER ALL-STARS Game on Sunday, February 5th © at Schreiber Arena - 3:30 p.m. Booster Tickets (which will allow holders admission to the geme) are on sale through leon Checkryn at the Bowling Alleys, in addition to the other persons selling their quotas throughout the Mill and Townsite. Let's make it a real "afternoon out", If caught without a ticket, phone Harl Veitch at Local 15 in the Mill, or Dial 49 in the Townsite (prior to Saturday evening),