ad a ee a - a ane ae a Ne ce Volane 4, Noe 43 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY November 17, 1949, SS SS SESS SSS SS SS a a a a - nn A BOWLING One of the most important dates in the entertainment history of this Co. wuity was Thursday, Noverber loth; as this 48 the date that the Bowling Asscciction wag officially formed. A mecting of all interested citizens was held that evening in the Gotwnity Hall and many important matters were discussed and passed on, The major item on the agenda that evening was the election of Officers for the coming season, Tc fol lowing were elected to office: President, Lorne Peck; Vice President, Peter Mazza; Svce eocory, Eleanor Pearson; Treasurer, Freni: Sechesigye The Chair anship of the three leagues are as follows: Lacics! Lcague, Mrs. Dot Dalzcll; Monts League, Jis McLeod; Mixec. League, Miss Olyve Herrison, It wes decided that the EASTERN COUNT would be used in computing -- scores, etC. On Sunday, Nove'ber 135th the Ecocubive met to outline a method of receiving entries from all local bowlers. It was decided that entry boxes would be placed at the Time Clocks, The Hudson's Bay Store, and the Post Office. Entries may also be sent to Machine Room Tost Station; Mr. Eric Heuser (Main Laboratory); Mr. Peter Mazza, Warehouse; Mr, E. L. Veitch, (Onerating Personnel); and Miss Olyve Harrison, Pcrsonne]. Department. Deadline of entries was set at Monday noon, November elst. The Executive decided on Mr, Lorne Peck as its representative to the Terrace Bay Recreation Co.tittee with Peter Mazza as alternative representative. The official opening night ceremonies have been set back to a later date. It seems that the experts who have recently arrived in Town to complete the laying of the alleys have stated that due to problems peculiar to bowling alleys, it would be impossible to complete the job by the date mentioned in last week's issue of "THE NEWS", Howover, they have promised to do all in their power to finish the job as soon as possible. Please watch this paper for definite word on the opening date. In the meantime, fill out the entry forms below and place them in one of the above noted boxes as soon as possible. Do Not delay -- now is the time to join in on the fun and recreation of this fine sport. Those wishing to bowl in the League which is expected to commence the week of November 28th are requested to complete the forms below: A A A a Name of ORR eased ve Se GAs 84 aE OWE HO 9:4 0 84'S o 96 4 69 Mein 6 EO 4 8 Hale bet eH ew Oe Aw ante minis 4 bie silos a ae wom gee eae SIRAIN we NO Oe RG aS OF ae RH Ge D DRS DOOR e Me 9 88D YE ORS Names of PORES sas eeac eke ne bev vase ees on ees ee ee Seite NOdsbicbn cds sw oe e% bse 6 le maeee esecgevareveereevererv eevee eee ee ee eeooersrerererosereereereeoeeree eee euaearreavereeneeeovesesrearereeee eee @eoreresreeorvreevseeereore aves ree eereeeerrresreerereoveraaeeeeeeree eae @oeeressveoesesres or eeeeress seeseanvreererenpeeerereoeresreeere eae evaev,ercevceeseoevee en ere eeee oF Leaguceccereresesererrsceaersseseessserrervseeeee (Mixed; Ladies!; Men's) Fach team is to consist of five members and two spares, In the mixed Learve the toams will consist of two ladies and three men with two men spares, 'Unattached bowlers are requested to sign the above form and they will be placed on a team, cont'd on page @.