Page 4 uch an accomplishment would be a wonderful @hristmas present for every man, weman and child in our community, since accidents are very personal things and can involve any one of us. By now each one of us should be convinced that our Accident Prevention program acts in our personal interests. "ACCIDENTS DON'T HAPPEN - THEY ARE CAUSED" = and at Terrace Bay we know from experience that they can be prevented when everyone does every-" thing possible each day to eliminate all forms tf hazards, both "acchenical" and "hunan", In the final analysis, good safety records are but a summary of successful day to day experience in preventing accidents. o~O0+0 FIRE PREVENTION CONTEST WINNERS After an extensive programme, which has been exception- ally well supervised by our genial fire chief, Geo, Meitland, the winners of all classes were presented with their prizes last Friday after= noon in the Recreation Hall, The afternoon was well planned and capably handled by Mr. 0. Sith who acted as Chairuens Through the courtesy of Dept. of Lands and Forests, Mr. Campbell showed ¢ very interesting film entitled "Bird Life", which was very well received by the pupils themselves and the too few parents who were in attendance, The main event ~ ef the afternoon was, of course, the presentation of prizes which was handled by Mr, He Os Leumcy,. Firet prizes in posters were won byt Morise Sitko, Rog. Le Blane and Jin Sicct. Second prizes in posters byt Paul Marcclla, Hélen Leundy end Jene Porter, Third prizes bys Ston Kovelik, Tim McInnes and Terry Cavanaughs First prize for the best essay was taken by Tin MeInnes, followed by Betty Dodge, second prizc, Claude Boudreau, third prize and Ronald McKay, fourth prizco. In the colsuring book section, Barbara Steven took top honors, followed closely by Jooy Wig, second prize, Lyn Porter, third prize and Tom Steven, fourth prize, The Junior Firefighters Report winner. was Clifford Knauff, with John Boudreau tak» ing second, All in all, this contest has been one of the highlights of children!s activitics in the past few months. A great deal of thought, perseverance and hard work was put into this project and the News offers ite céomgratulatiens to Geo. Maitland on a rood job well donee beo-d LET'S GO BOWLERSL Plans are now dompleted for the general Bowling Meeting which will be held next Thuraday night at 8100 psms in the Community Hall. Altcra- tions are progressing favourably and it is hoped that the alleys will arrive within a : week er so in order that installation can be started as soon as possible, In the meantime, if you fee yourself getting a little impatient, just use up that surplus energy by round- ing up a team to bowl with. o- OHO EMPLOYEES! MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY DENTAL AND OPTICAL BENEFITS Members who have been in 'the Society 6 months or longer are entitled to one half of their dental bills up to $15,400 annually and one half of their optidal bills up to $19300 annually: Claims can be made by submitting receipts which must show the date on which work was performed and for glasses purchased, to the Personnel Orifice. On the badk of each menber!g certificate 1s shown the date én which he is eligible for these benefitsi b-0n0 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The vecular worthly meeting of the Terrace Bay Worrcals Institute was ° held on Thursday ovening, October e7th at the home of Mrs, R. Ostlings Mrs. Hy Goodfcllow, Mrs, F. Soughton and Mrs, L. Moores offered their help to Mvse McKay in canvassing for the blind on October 29th ' Mrs, K, McKay gave her report on the Abra Convention which was held in the Lake- head, This was followed by an interesting talk on the planting of bulbs and the care of house plants. Tulip and hyacinth bulbs were theh purchased by the members. : 4 delightful lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs, Pletzer and Mrs, L. Moore, Tho next meeting will be held on November 17th at the home of Mrs. R. Scowen. o-0~0 ? COMMUNITY CHURCH Bazar Brevities: There will be ohs{| and ahs! when you see the results of busy fingers at the apron booth - and at such reasonable prices. -- The Ladies Luxiliary Annual Bazaar. November 23rd -=, 2230 - 5:3C p.m. Watch for further announcements$}