Page 3 TALENT SHOWS Our first attempt at a Talent Show met with great success last Thursday night at the Recreation Hall. An approximate total of about 60 or 70 peo- ple turned out to hear and see the abilities of some of our residents. All in all, we had eleven entertainers take their turn on the stage and demonstrate very vividly that we are definitely not without talent in Terrace Bay. Mrs. Stan Hodgkiss did a splendid job of accompanying most of the artists, in addition to rendering two well chosen piano solos. Among those who chose to sing were the following: Bill Miller of the Hotel Staff, who sang a couple of ballads; teen-ager Rose Compton, who showed plenty of promise as a Blues Singer, as did Betty Doerksen of the Hotel Staff (next time we hope she brings along her guitar). Donna Woods and Ailwen Boudreau did an excellent job of singing a duet. Not to be outdone by his sister, young Jake Compton displayed that he is no slouch when it comes to blowing into a harmonica. By way of deviation from the musical end of the even- ing, Ken Weppler did an impersonation of a news commentator replete with German accent et als while John Curnew of Dominion Catering did a splendid recitation of that old favorite "Dangerous Dan McGrew" (legitimate version). To top off a very entertaining evening, Father Roenicke and Alphonse Roussell dis- played some very nimble finger work on the piano keyboard. Welll be out there again this week, next weck and every Thursday until further notice, so whadayasay folks, come on out and enjoy yourselves. o+0-0 AT THE MOVIES Operated by Alcane Theatres Ltd. Shows at 7:15 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. on cven= f ings indicated. Fri. and Sat., Oct, 7th and 8th - "ARABIAN NIGHTS" Mon. and Tucs., Oct, 10th and lith - "ENCHANTED FOREST" Fri. ond Sat... Oct. 14th and 15th - "STATION WEST" 0-0-0 SCOUT AND CUB NEWS Terrace Bay's first Scout Apple Day was held on October lst, The re- sul:s were very satisfactory and cncouraging to the Scouts and Cubs taking part. To all those who furnished transportation, the officials of LongLac Pulp and Papor Company and the Townsite residents who gave the boys their support, the Scout Leaders and boys say "Thank You", The usual Friday evening mectings will be held in the Legion Hall. Cubs will meet at 6:30 p.m, Scouts will mect at 7:30 p.m, 0-0-0 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, October 9th. 7:00 asm. and 9:30 «.m. - Mass will be celebrated in St. Martin's Cotholic Ciurch. 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 ; » - Terrace Bay Community Courch Service in the Church Building, 9:30 am, - Community Ciurch Sunday School in the Church Building. 7:30 pm, --- Rosary and Benediction. o-O-o0 SAFETY CONTHST STANDINGS TO OCTOBER 5, 7.949. (Contcst Period Aug. 1/49 to Nov, 1/49) DISABLING INJURIES Safe Days During Since Since Last Contest Jan. 1/49 Disabling Injury Services, Technical and Personnel Office O 0 318 Steam, Structural and Hospital O O 295 Pulp Department and Hotel 0 5 108 Wood Handling and Gcneral Office i 5 63 Maintenence and General Office pe 7 52 0-0-0 NEXT WEEK'S S\FETY_SLOGAN (8200 rim. October Luth to 6:07 asm, October 17th) ane aE Sawa ee ee a aeaeiane ve at ee a ee ee en RR RR ERC a ee RR RE NT EL NNR NBE ALERT - DON'T GET HURT"