= Volume 4, No, 33 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY August 18, 1949, --= Se ee ee ee ee SS SS => TERRACE BAY GIRLS DEFEAT "HI TLDAS!! IN LAKEHEAD SOFTBALL GAME The Terrace Bay "All-Star" ° Girls journeyed to the Lake-= head on Sunday last where they played a doubleheader against the Port Arthur "Hildas" winning both the afternoon and evening games. The scores were 12811 in the afternoon and 12~5 in the evening, The "Hildas" have improved considerably since their visit to Terrace Bay when our girls also took both games handily, On Sunday their strength was boletered by the two Rice girls who normally play with the "Rockettes", but they were still no match for the Terrace Girls who are improving considerably with each game. : The evening game was marred by an accident to our star'fielder, "Lig" Jour who sprained her ankle when running to first during the 5th inning, © The line-up for the Terrace team was as follows: Pitchers = Jean Lawrence and Betty Sinkins = Catcher - Mary Letain, 1st = Bea Fawcett, 2nd = Myrtle Delmage, Srd = Peggy Wellings, 5.S. = Norma Blanchard, L,F. =~ Elizabeth Jour, C.F, - Violet Moreau, RF, = Connie A list of the "Hildas" players is not available at the present time, o=0-0 4A GOOD SHOW On Thursday evening last a comedy ball-game was played on the local diamond between the Terrace "All-Star" Girls and the "Gay Nineties", a group of el« derly men who put on a real good show against the girls even if they did clown it all the ways If they had been playing seriously we think it would have been a rough go for the girls. A lot of fui was had by all and the silver collection was proof that the spectators enjoyed it as well, The girls and the management of the team would like, in this way, to thank all those who took part in this game, particularly Mr. Wiltshire who was responsible for o¥gen= iging the AMG » It is unfortunate that a complete list of the players is not available, o=0~0 SOFTBALL DOUBLE*HEADER SCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY Bryan's Girls Team from Fort William will be : in Terrace Bay on Sunday, August 21st to play a double=header. Tho first game will be played at 2:30 in the afternoon and the evens ing game will be at 6:30, Bryans finished second in the league at the Lakehead and at present are in the midst of the Championship playoffs, so Sunday's games should prove to be very interesting. Don't forget to come out and cheer for the local girls, O=O=0 EXAMINATIONS FOR STATIONARY ENGINEERS On August 27th, John Sharp, Chairman of the Board of Examiners for Stationary Engineers will be in Terrace Bay, He has advised that he will arrive on the morning of the 27th and it is ex- pected that the examination will be conducted in one of the classrooms at the loeel school during the afternoon and evening of the same day. Many of the boys will be pleased to meet Mr. Sharp as he is very well known for his friendly personality and encouraging manner with Stationary Engineers, All those wishing to write on August 27th should immediately forward proper appli- cation forms for acceptance tos Board of Examiners, Department of Labour, Toronto, Appli= cation forms may be obtained from John Holancin in the Steam Department office - Local 6. o~0=0 A philosopher is a person who always knows what to do until it happens to him. A plutocrat is a fellow who can afford to get his hair cut the day before payday.