EY ae 'Use ar car' ash" trays Dont hyo butts. iit' 'the eine, TERRI.GE BAY HARDBALL TEAM DEFEATED KAPUSKASING Last sunday aeicnmok in Kapuskasing, 'Terrace Bay!s 'hardball 'team chalked up a 17-10 victory over Kapuskasing in a 9=inning contest. Behind the brilliant hurling of pala| Borsum, the local aggregation had things under control. from the start of the game and as' a matter of record piled up 10 runs in. the first two innings, Terrace Bay's only competis - tion this year prior to the "Kap" game had been contests with Schreiber, Terrace Bay have" ' ing won 6 of the 10 games played, The team has worked hard to get established and it was a lot of satisfaction to all concerned. to heats and defeat by a god. nexed ° . team that . has been established for a ntimber of yearsy The Terrace Bay team made: the 800 mile ead t¥tp to. Si diilenshie| ite car, and while the distance travélled has probably been sabi by other beams it was quite a long Jatunt for a single game, Members ofthe team who made the. trip were? John. Sehritt, Bill Borsum, John Cavanitiigh, 'Ellwood Stephenson, Harry Damp) Gord Keeley, Maurice Howe; Joe Heenan, Don Christian, Alberb Cadieux, Paul Pluto, Dah Gillis and 'Russ Huchenski,. - Kapuskasing 'players indludeds itegsers Monard, "Jokinen, TON, Keen Be wa i 'Belleniine, Peer Shermatta and Andersqns 'oaao,: 2 "POWER AND: WATER FAILURES Thévatbbention 'of all 'Townsite residents is 'eee to the follows ing procedures to, be followed in the event of 'power or water .failuress When the water is off, phone' 'onli to the pump honie should not be rinse, as such calls unnecessarily prbersiny. "the sae on a duty with a. probabile delay in the resumption of water service, . ee gl In the event of a power folie, energonsy calls only. should 'he direbted to Don Boudreau or Jack Garving 2°. \ : eis gubaig" ' MART KENNEY'S ORCHESTRA TO :PEAY at TERRACE Dix Risto g9TH Terrace 'Bay 4a indeed ceili io. Wht dn again being able to - procure . the canine oft Hart. Konney and' his sia a aki, with lovely Norma eae Roberts and the Quartet. The orchestra will. provide the music.for a dahee to 'be, held the Recreation Hall on Monday, August 29th, sponsored by 'the Community Recreation Committee. Rated as Canada's Number Ohe Dance Band, ap wil be Hart hese: ss gonert Wl 'bo. Terrace eects, there: stale eel fines in the Port Arthur District this year 'up » tee June 23rd, Causes' of thes6 - fires were as: follows?" settlers burning - 113° - campers and smokers -- 233 railways - 73 logging and other' industries - 7} lightening - Be * Of the:.51 fires 48 were, caused: by carelessness, Protection of our forests and wild life depends to a large extent. on how.you and Tact in-the.bushy While we have had a great deal of help this year from the weatherman, it is the. duty' of each one of us| to guard against starting forest fires. These rules should always" 'be followed: : Lee you'must smoke: in.the bush, stop aiid sit-down. Bi yOu. are. finished, orn out your ' cigarette: butt<on a rock or throw it into water, 7 " : Hold' matehes: until cold and oo dyeal dn Hos 7 / * and ob agains i mes eo FIRES. CAN. BE PREVENTED ©