Page 2 CONGRATULATIONS TO ENTRANCE PUPILS Oongratulations to the following pupils who have successfully passed their Entrance requirements into High School. ; Cecile Boudreau, Shirley Colquhoun, Charmaine Dodge, Janice Erickson, Rey Husband, Doris Thorsteinson, Richard Marcella and Florence Compton. 0-0-0 TERRACE BLY-SCHREIBER HARDDALL GAMES Last Friday night in Schreiber, Terrace Bay extend- ed their winning streak to six games over the Schreiber aggregation behind the expert hurling of Bill Borsum, The score of the game was 14-3, On Tuesday evening of this week at the local Ball Park, a rearranged and rejuvena- ted Schreiber team defeated Terrace Bay to break the winning streak, An imported battery was too much for the local hittérs. The win, by a 6-4 score gave Schreiber its 3rd victory in 9 starts against Terrace Bay. , ay Schreiber will play again at Terrace Bry on Tuesday evening, July 26th at 6:30 p.m. 0-0-0 RENTAL RATES FOR COMMUNITY HALL AND RECREATION HALL For the information of all concerned, the following list of rates related to the rental of halls under its jurisdiction have been set by the Terrace Bey Community Recreation Committee: Community Holl (opposite Post Office), 1, Outside organizations or commercial interests - $10.00 por day or meeting. 2¢ Local organizations (except those qualifying under item 3) - $5,00 per day or meeting. 5, Local organizations, religious or educational, non-profit - $3,090 per @ay or meeting, Recreation Hell (used as moving picture show) 1. Outside organizations, commercial interests or local organizations operating an activity or event for profit - $25,00 per day or meeting or 10% of gross profit - whichever is ' the greater, , &« Local organizations operating a non-profit event = $10.00 per day or meeting, bt oo organizations meeting regularly ~ $5,00 per day or meeting, (eg. Badminten Club). Notes 1. Any organization booking the hall regularly for a year or season shall be entitled to a ' 10% discount if rent is paid in advance, &- Sc that no group or organization will be without facilities in which to organize, the Community Hall will be available without charge to such groups or organizations during the organizing period. 0-0-0 : i CUB AND SCOUT ACTIVITIES On Sunday, July 24th there is to be a Cub and Scout hike, 5 'The boys are to meet at 2 p.m. in the school play yard, which will be the starting point, From there, they will proceed to the Acuasabon Falls, below the hotel, Each boy is requested to bring his own lunch, o-O-o AQ THE CUB MEETING, FRIDAY JULY 15TH Sixcr Joseph Marcella passed his Toenderpad exams for the second time since becoming a cub, Warren Buck also successfully passed his exams at the same meeting. 4 o-O=-0 AUTENTION ALL SCOUTS Due to the fact that so many Scouts are now on holidays and have summer jobs, it has been decided to discontinue the meetings until Sept. 9th. This does not affect Cubs, : ii ag SLR ne 0-0-0 NEXT WEEK'S SAFETY SLOGAN "PROTECT YOUR LIFE - ETERNITY IS A LONG TIME a ge ne es ema te ae 2 = [eee ee SSS Saar ee ee. nent ered ete aeeeetioe emirate ae eT ere SSS SSS ---- a (For the period from 8:00 a.m, July 25th to 8:00 Dells August ist) Prize for the week $10.00 Se