ALL TERRACE BAY RESIDENTS are cordially invited to attend a GENERAL MEETING to be held'in the . RECREATION HALL AT 8:00 P.M, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th for the purpose of making plens for a COMMUNITY RECREATION PROGRAM COMMUNITY SINGING. ,eeseeee + SPECIAL RECREATION FILMS Canadian Premier of "EYE WITNESS #10" (including moving pictures of the Hydro and Terrace Bay Projects) LIGHT REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED AT THE CLOSE OF THE MEETING No admission charge NOTICE TO ALL TERRACE BAY ORGANIZATIONS In future, all groups or organizations wishing to book the Recreation Hall or Community Hall for meetings or events should do so by contacting either John Macdonald in the Administration Building at Local 61 or the Recreation Hall Steward at the Recreation Centre, Blanket bookings requested by organizations for regular meetings throughout the year have been recorded. 0-0-0 OFFICIAL OPENING OF TERRACE BAY SCHOOL SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 3 Terrace Bay's new school will be opened officially on Thursday, March 3rd when guest speakers for the occasion will be Dr, Stothers of the Provincial Dept, of Education, Toronto, and the Inspector of Public Schools for the District W. J, Judd, The school will be open for inspection from 8:00 pam, to 9:30 p.m, while the actual ceremony, which will include the guest speakers, is scheduled for 8:15 p,m. Through the kind cooperation of the Terrace Bay Women's Institute, refreshments will be served at 9:00 p.m. For the many parents and residents of the community who have not visited the school since its completion, the official opening will be an opportunity for just such a visit and a cordial invitation is extended to ally " O-0#0 TEEN TOWN TO MEET AT COMMUNITY HALL SATURDAY NIGHTS Teen Town activities are now planned _ for every Saturday night in the Community Hall with the first of such get-togethers scheduled for February 26th. The Senior Council, elected at a general meeting held on February 14th, met last Sunday afternoon to discuss plans and they elected an executive consisting of: Chhirmah - Mrs, Wm, Covington; Vice-Chairman - Dr. J. 0. Shaunessy; Secretary - Mrs, H. N, Marshy The next move calls for a joint meeting of the Senior and Junior Councils to work out specific plans by which activities will be operated, The. Junior Council (former Teen Town Executive) is comprised of: President - Virginia Covington; Vice-President - Anite Duncan; Secretary - George DeLong. 0-0-0 ST, MARTIN'S LADIES' GUILD The monthly meeting of Sts Martin's Ladies! Guild was held Wednesday evening February 16th at the home of Mrsi S, Neuville, 161 Birch Crescent, Mrs. R, Schneble president was in the chair. The meeting was opened with a prayer and new members were introduced and welcomed after which the minutes of the last meeting were read, Plans were made for a Box Social and Dance to be held on Friday, February 25th, Colleen Stokes was appointed chairman of this affeir and her assistants are Mrs, W. Fownes Mrs, E. Cavanaugh, Mrs. G. Bird, Mrs. F. Vanier and Mrs. R. Schneble. Mrs, H, Boudreau sent in her resignation from the Chairmanship of Special Projects Committee and Mrs. Fownes was appointed to this position. After refreshments were served, the group enjoyed coloured moving pictures .of Canada and Wisconsin and points of local interest. Mr. 4. Greenfield operated the projector. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mirs, Re Schneble on March 16th at 8:15 p.m.