Page 2 TEEN TOWN MEETING HELD MONDAY FEBRUARY_14 For the purpose of expanding the Teen Town Pi IGM gi cern... MONA a special meeting was held in the Community Hall last Monday evening and althoug eitendance of adults was so discouraging a considerable amount of worth te ee to actio cn resulted in the selection of twelve-person Senior Council, Durthmsthe discussion.i% w, ' pointed out that with an organization such as Teen Town, an adult spor exiag grou. s necessary and that the Senior Council would assist in every way possible to fo: te plans, rules and regulations in conjuction with the Teen Town executive which would be acceptable to everyone concerned, Numerous suggestions as to the type of activities for the teen-agers were made and these will be dealt with by the councils of the organization as plans are made and programs developed, At the meeting a motion was passed and action teken to reserve the Community Hall for regular Saturday night Teen Town, get-togethers, the first of which will take the form of an Official Opening, and will be held Saturday evening; February 26th. The twelve persons who were nominated for the Senior Council are as follows: Mrs, W, W. Covington; Mrs. H. N. Marsh; irs. D. C. Porter; Mrs. Glen Lumbers; Mrs, William Sitko; Mrs. E, Cavanaugh; Clarence Smith; William Baillie; Dr. J. QO. Shaunessy; William Borsum; Douglas Colquhoun and R, T, Sheppard, It was also unanimously agreed that Father J. J. Delaney and Rev. A. F, Lavender should be asked to act in an advisory capacity to the Teen Town organization, Ab a meeting which will be held in the near future the Senior Council will draft a constitution and elect its officers. In the meantime, Mrs, Covington will act as Convener of the Senior Council. It was pointed out during the meeting that in order to assure the success of Teen Town at Terrace Bay, active adult support would be required particularly trom those with teen-age children. A spokesman for the Teen Towners assured those present that members of the organization were only too anxious to cooperate in every way to assure a successful program. Teen-Towners first met in October, 1947 at which time they elected an executive. © Since then activities of the group have centered for the most part in the homes of its members. 0-0-0 COMMUNITY CHURCH BOARD OF STEWARDS ELECTED At a meeting of the Community Church Board of Stewards held on Tuesday evening, February 15th the following executive was elected: Chairman - Mi. R. Lemon; Vice-Chairman - D. McDonald; Secretary - irs. H. N. Marsh; Treasurer - Clarence Smith; Envelope Steward - C, H, Paget; Chairman of Building Finance Committee - Dr. K. Vickers; Chairman of Building Committee - William Borsum; Sunday School Representative - Douglas Colquhoun; Music Committee Representative - Mrs, 8. Ostling. 0-0-0 SAFETY - THE INTANGIBLE What is safety? It cannot be seen, heard or felt in the physical sen@e, yet it has far-reaching effects. It is something essential, a commodity of great value, It can be sold, it can be practiced, and in the balance scale of results, it can be weighed. For safety will always bring results - dividends, rether, to those who invest in it. Safety can save lives, It can prevent injury. Jt can cut down greatly the number of accidents in a given place over a given period, In doing so, safety becomes a humane factor, working for the conservation of human life. ; Safety is also a productive factor, for a vigorous safety program carns its keep by increasing production, Every accident, no matter how minor, contributes to production delay . ' Safety is a means of self-preservation. It is protection against attack--attack instituted by carelessness. It is but plain common sense, therefore, to use safety as a guard for your welfare as you would use your arms to ward off the blows of an attacking enemy. To sum up, safety is an intangible, but it has many forms and many phases which, added up, give but one answer: "THE SAFE WAY IS THE ONLY WAY!"