FISH AND GAME REGULATIONS ___.General-information-regarding fish and game regulations is rt a" published by the Department of Lands and Forests in a becklet- titled "Summary of the Game and Fisheries Act and Regulations", Although the supply is limited, copies of this booklet may be procured from Postmaster Ed Cavanaugh at the Post Office, as long as the supply lasts. 0.00 TERRACE BAY SCHOOL PROMOTIONS TO CONTINUATION SCHOOL When the school promotion list was } published on July lst it was noted that names of pupils promoted from Grade 8 to Grade 9 would be announced officially within two weeks. We are pleased to announce thet Virginia Covington, Clayton Purcell, Laurie Marsh and Paul Cavaneugh heve all been promoted to Grade 9, the first year'in Continuation or High School. 0:06 ANGLER'S CONTEST First spot in the Lake Trout Class of the Anzler's Contest sponsored by the Terrace Bay Fish and Geme Association is occupied at the pre sent time by Mrs. E. F. Jones Jr. who caught a 15 lb. 15 oz. 28% inch "whopper" trolling in Lake Superior out from Rossport last Sunday, . Second spot in the same class is held by De le Middleton with a 13 lb. 8 oz. beauty while Art Gobeil's 9 lb. 44 ouncer places him in third position. Speckled Trout entries are headed by John Nixon with a 4 1b, 8 oz. fish while second and third spots go respectively to C. E. Paget (3 lb. 4 oz.) and Harry Grant (2 lb. 8 OZe) In the Pike Class, the only entrant to date is Wilfred Bishop (5 1b. 13 oz.) while the single pickerel entry was made by G. BE. Scott (3 lb. 7 02.) i A minimum of three prizes will be presented in each of the four classes with a special prize to the leading lady in each division. However, no contestant will be permitted more than one prize. All entrents must be members of the Terrace Bay Fish and Game Association and the contest closes September 15th. The official judge for the contest is Maurice Kulcheski and the weighing-in centre is located at the Barber Shop in the Lower Camp. o:0 6 ST MARTIN'S CATHOLIC GUILD On Monday, July 19th, at 8:00 p.m, there will be a Board Meeting at the home of Mrs. E Cavanaugh, 128 Poplar Crescent. All members of the executive are requested to be present, On Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock, the monthly meeting of the Guild will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Knauff, 131 Poplar Crescent. 411 members are invited - end urged - to attend. New parishioners are cordially invited, as are any others who have not yet attended the Guild meetings. 000 TERRACE BAY VISITORS Under this heading each week we will be very pleased to publish the names of Terrace ar Bay visitors. Information for this column should, however, be turned in to 67 Laurier Avciwe or the Personnel Office not later than Tuesday evening of each week, 000 Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Balfour is Mrs. Balfour's mother, Mrs. Frank Smith of Bogata, Columbia. It is reported that Mrs. Smith is very much taken with her two week old grandson, CN Gi'O Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Higginbottom and deughter Joy of Three Rivers Quebec were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Jones Jr. 000 Wr. and Mrs. J. F. Carroll and children Jimmy end Gaye of Shreveport, La. are visiting the Bill Covingtons. Mr. Carroll is Mrs. Covington's brother. 000 Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Emerson ere Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp and daughter Cynthia of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. eco Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rudolf were Mr. and Mrs, D. D. Kaynor and Lawrence Kaynor of Oak Park, Illinois.