No. 28 boernsnriutasalaia Te Se renee erence naman aot ye tmanetit yo sate one = 60 se amore ei antes vie no arse merenneer soe prem ne f meen Meena a eae TERRACE BAY PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION Commencing the week of May e4th, the Terrace Bay TUNE ee Women's Institute took on the supervision of the Playground for a two hour period from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday each week. Since that date, generally two at a time, forty-five different ladies of the Townsite have donated their services to assure a supervised play period at the playground, particularly for younger children. We feel certain that parents and children alike have sincerely appreciated the community service which has been rendered by these supervisors, Now that the holidey season is here (as well as the fly season) it has gradually become more difficult to secure a sufficient number of supervisors, so much so, in fact, that the Women's Institute just about decided, regretfully, that for the time being it would be necessary to discontinue the project. However, in an effort to maintain the service through the summer months an appeal is now being made to all ladies who are prepared to volunteer their services end we trust that the response will be gratifying. Ladies who would like to assist are asked to contact Mrs. R. Osbling, 136 Poplar Crescent; Mrs, P. Harris, 92 Hudson Drive or leave their. names at the Personnel Office in the Lower Camp. , The following ladies will act as supervisors during the week of July 19th: Monday - July 19th - Mrs. C. A. MacMillan and Mrs. K. Nairn Tuesday - July 20th - Mrs. G. Dodge Wednesday - July 2lst - Mrs. P. Wallwin and Mrs. J. Graham Thursday - July eend - Mrs. M. R. Lemon Friday - July 23rd - Mrs. D. Noble 000 QUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY 1S EXTENDED TO BILL KOOLS Many hearts at Terrace Bay were saddened last week-end at the news of the sudden passing of Bill Kool's wife. Bill was at Terrace Bay last week on a routine visit from Neenah when he received news of the sudden illness of his wife at Appleton, Wisconsin, Last Fridey morning he left by special car for Duluth but was intercepted at Port Arthur aid rushed to a private plane chartered by Kimberly-Clark and flown from Oskosh, Wisconsin, to the Lakehead to expedite Bill's return. Despite every effort, however, Mrs. Kools passed away before Bill reached her. Deepest sympathy is extended from Bill's friends at Terrace Bay to all relatives and friends who are left to mourn the untimely passing of Mrs, Kools, OOO POWSR OFF SUNDAY Please be advised that the Hydro-Electric Power Commission again finds it necessary to turn off all POWER in the North and South Camps, the iii11 Ares, and the Townsite Area on Sunday, July 18th from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and from 1:30 p.m. to 3:50 p.m, W. F. Strutt, The Corporation of The Improvenent District of Terrace Bay. © 0.0 TENNIS COURTS NEARING COMPLETION Although completion of the two tennis courts in the Townsite has been delayed, due to two or three spells of wet weather, the latest report received as we go to press should be welcome news to Terrace Bay tennis enthusiasts. If the present weather continues, final surfacing will be completed and the courts will be ready for play during the coming weck-end,