Page Re LADIES' AUXILIARY The Ladies! Auxiliary of the- Community Church met on Monday-Mey. 5rd , in the Recreation Centre with Mrs. R. Ostling presiding. The meeting opened with the hymn "Wonderful Words of Life" followed by the Auxiliary prayer. . The president expressed her thanks to all the members who had helped to make the recent Fashion Show so successful. . Mrs. Christensen, convenor of the Sick and Visiting Committee made her report.. This was followed by the report from the Membership Committee given by Mrs, Gordon Stewart. Nine new members have joined the Auxiliary since the last meeting. ' It was decided to hold an evening Coffee Party asthe May project, Mrs. Harold Marsh, Mrs. David McDonald and Mrs. James Duncan were asked to take charge of arrangements for this party. Tt was felt wise to select the convenors for the Fall Bazaar at this time, so that they would have the summer months to prepare for the event. Those chosen were; Knitting Table Convenor-Mrs. R. Ostling, Novelty Teble Convenor-lirs. A, Christensen, Sewing Table Convenor-Mrs. G. Stewart, White Elephant Table Convenor-Mrs. Harold Marsh. Mrs. J. Duncan and Mrs. W. W. Covington were asked to organize the children of the townsite for the sale of Mother's Day flowers, Saturday May 8th. After the business meeting, the entertainment committee took charge of the remainder of the program, Mrs. Covington read a humorous Mcther's-Day Story and a short sing-song was enjoyed by all. Tea was served by the hostesses Mrs. R. Ostling and Mrs. R. Harris. oO @ FIREWORKS ARE DANGEROUS Every year on the 24th of May in Canada and on the 4th of July iit in the U. S. A. the loss of life and property due to fireworks is appalling and countless numbers of children and adults too, are injured-sometimes per- manently. In addition to the normal hazards associated with fireworks, we have at Terrace Bay the forest fire hazard which would indeed be intensified if fireworks were used to celebrate the traditional "Firecracker Day'"'- the 24th of May. With the above in mind, Fire Chief George Maitland has requested that we bring to the attention of all concerned that it will not be possible to permit the use of fireworks at Terrace Bay. 000 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Schreiber United Church will be the scene of a wedding on Saturday May 8th at 2:30 p.m. when John E, Wellings will be married to Margaret Elizabeth ("Peggy") Miller. Rev. A. F. Lavender will officiate, The churchwill be open. oO 6 Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ostling of Terrace Bay, Ontario, announce the engagement of their younger daughter Illene Christine to Mr, James William Stark, of Port Arthur son of Mr, F. Stark. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride's parents at Terrace Bay on Saturday June 5th, O00 MOTHER'S DAY FLOWERS There will be a sale of Mother's Day flowers on Saturday May 8th by the children of the townsite, sponsored by the Ladies! Auxiliary of the Community Church. The children will canvass the homes and will also sell the flowers in the camp areas. OOo : NOTICE Any person who discovers a fire in the bush should notify the LongLac Fire Depart- ment immediately, giving the location of the fire, the nearest road to fire and t nearest water supply. Telephone ee or 35 day or night. George C. Maitland, Fire Chief. e0 0 BE £UERT ~ ACCID#NTS HAPPEN TN A FLASH t