Vol. 5 No. 16 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY April ee, 1948, a rit tate gee ine Re eRe: ern We eee annem 2=-s eterernatenieepenetineiinane {':m~ Veretehatnmentte itirmarimeen game eaineinmtntanar Brent mteainne tnt! jer eeett VPA Ch ART ORE A OS START a ee armenia tt mem mn ctnecenens eters magna tt stone et an ae ont tages arm os # vena 1 soi eran cesin = getne tei pren hatte arp siren eae nts" tenet BEET TRC AOO AAO OF ANNUAL. BANGU a memory will linger long with those who earned the right tlo be called "charter members," through their association with the club curing its first year of operation. The club was officially organized last November and since then a two-sheet rink with club room was voluntarily constructed and in-all, 29 teams involving 116 players participated, The season ended with a banquet held in the Recreation Hall on Thursday , ' 'April 15th. Following the Cinner, a sing-song was led by Paul Boudreau after which President Rune Ostling inbroduced out of town guests. Doug Skinner, President of the Marathon Curling Club spoke briefly as did Fred Mumunick of Northern Engineering Co., Port Arthur. Long- Lac Pulp and Paper Company of!icials who were called upon included H. S. Craig, General Manager, and Andreas Christensen, hill Manager. J. B. Corse, Manager of the Marethon branch of Chapple's Limited, announced on behalf of John Chapple and the management of Chapple's Limited that their organization stood ready te donate a North Shore Curling Trophy for annual competition in this dis- trict if arrangements for a bonspeil could be worked out. Ken Switzer extended to those present grect ings from the curling club at LongLac, Ontario. L. Ns Martin, Hudson's Bay Co. manager at Terrace Bay, then presented the Hudson's Bay Curling Trophy to the Terrace Bay Club and in turn to the winner of the event, Ernie Schritt. Ernie and his team, Walt Lemiski, Marv. Lemon and Don Brand, received lamps and playing cards es prizes donated by Hudson's Bay Co. Other prizes in the same event were as follows: blankets donated by Lakehead Motors to Rune Ostling, Ioleen Ostling, and Dick Lumbers; two coffec silex and two electric toasters donated by Mahon Electric to the team sicipped by Kay Isbester including Monty Paget, Dick Hupp and Arnold Hamilton; prizes for fourth spot - figurines from Chapple's Limited, went to Al Lawson's rink on which Kethy Tracey, Al. Creckford and Mrs. Cy Camplong were regular members. George Coulter, brancn manager of the Imperial Bank at Terrace Bay, presented the Imperial Bani: Trophy to winners of the Imperial Bank Bonspeil. The winning rink skipped by AL MeGell included Bill towe, Ab Keehn and Paul Boudreau, Each member of the team was presented with an electric iron through the courtesy of Cochrane and Dunlop Hardware. Second prizes, fruit juicers donated by Northern Engineering, went to 41 Lawson's rink (Kathy Tracey, Al Crockford end Mrs. Cy Camplong). Prizes for the third spot which were won by Ogilvie Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones and Steve Pastor were two electric toasters and two electric irons donated by New Idea Sheet Metal. In fourth position was Ruth Bangartt's rink which included Dr. and Mrs. Lel Roberts and John Jeanneret. They received serving trays through the courtesy of Marshall Wells, The Curling Club would like to take this opportunity of thanking all donors cf trophies and prizes for their generosity. Appreciation is also expressed to all who contributed to the success of the ban- quet including Dominicn Catering Co., and those responsible for decorations, -Ruth Bangartt, Peggy Miller, Jack Wollince and Jim Nicholson, Thanks to Ev Reid fur her work on menu cards. Head tehle guests at the banquet included: Mr..and Mrs. R. Ostling, H. S. Craig, Mr. and Wzs. Andreas Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Skinner, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Corke, L. , Martin, Miss Margaret Kitf and George Coulter, CURLING SEASON ENDS WITH "errace Bay's first curling season is now history, but the