SOFTBALL ; Due tc the inclement weather of the past week, there has been practically no progress cn the grading of the ball field north of the Lower Camp Cafeteria unit. A break in the weather should permit heavy LongLac equipment to move in and finish the job. In view cf this, and the fact that movies are now scheduled for the Reereation Hall tonight and tomorrow night, scftball organization meetings will be held next week in the Recreation Hall as follows: Page Five Men's Meeting - Wednesday, June 18th at 8:00 p.m. Girls' Meeting - Thursday, June 19th at 8:00 p.m, Each team planning on entering a team should be represented and all players interested are urged to attend one cf the meetings. ; -o000-= Terrace Bay News, published weekly at Terrace Bay, Ontario, is devoted to the interests of everyone ccnnected with the LongLac Pulp and Paper Company Limited project of the Kimberly- Clark Corporaticn, Editcr-in-Chief, F.0.Scughton; Editor, Bob Sheppard; Associate Editor, Jim Whyte. -cOo-