Pago 3 AT Ta MOVIES: tho jive fans and solid msic lovers will be glad to hear that "Syncopation"" Hod for March 18th: SA s lively musical features such great vistuosos of the oderne as Charlie Barnct and his saxophone, Benny Goodman and his clariont,~ supa on drums and bene James blowing his hottest trumpet. Adlolphe Monjou, Cooper and Bonita Granville lead the supporting cast. those lovers of drema, the like of which is produced only by Eagle Lion, nother hit called "Johnny Fronchman" starring Patricia Roc, need we say more, ure will be shown in the Reercation Hall both Friday and Saturday nights with seiccted shorts. Remember, the shows begin at 7:30 so come carly to get a scat, ?ROUND THE RINK Broom Be ul pe | Te ockoy hockey scason got under way with four house league games being played Nnary training for broom ball, After recuperating from this sport, the Terrace Terrors visited the Nipigon club on tho wock-ond of Fcbruary 16th for a decision of 10-2 in favour of our up ¢ 14h n si ehhoure alLOOUP Ss my - aWwOo 2 showed thoir Iron Horse lincago by posting thmsclves the major portions of 12-7 ami l6~1 scores. : mcs of grcat local intcrest wort played in Schricber with tho Colts who a good show in site of a tardy start. Harry Ganga and stick-handling: Billy Burke maintained a good play~brealsing o hg of talcnt which would be developed in the future scason was shown by tho othor Terrors, who wero? GOAT od Gooderham, and Tony Delaronde DEFENCE = nis Bs ~ratta; Dow by Ed'Surke: Bill Burke; "Deac® Bonners FORWARDS = Murdo Campbell; Bill LsBlane3 Bud Brotherton; Jack Parsons; Harry Ganja; Welt Lemiski; Johnny Delaronde: Johnny MaeDonald; Jack Enstrom; Mike Chorney; Albert % fang clo .. COACH ~ "Casocy™ Kozak TRATNERS «Bail Lossy and. Albert, Moro, St. ON SNOW SHOES Ganadian winters nave a fascination for our southern mgineers, Ono that we know turncd to tho great outdoors carly one Saturday afternoon, Latcr that samo day, our roportcr!s oye wos attractcd by a parka covercd mass burrowing itsclf into the snow It proved to be the samo cnginecr attompting to extricato himsclf from a snow shoc, Tho point is - "Build a better snowshoe, and if the world docsn't beat a path to your door, (Gordie Stewart. will"